% This file was created with JabRef 2.9.2. % Encoding: UTF8 @STRING{WydZnak = {Społeczny Instytut Wydawniczy Znak}} @ARTICLE{Alston:Concepts, author = {Alston, W. P.}, title = {Concepts of Epistemic Justification}, shorttitle = {Concepts}, year = {1985}, journaltitle = {The Monist}, number = {68(1)}, pages = {57--89} } @ARTICLE{Atkinson:Hume, author = {Atkinson, R. F.}, title = {Hume on «Is» and «Ought»: A Reply to Mr. MacIntyre}, shorttitle = {Hume}, year = {1961}, journaltitle = {The Philosophical Review}, number = {70(2)}, pages = {231--238} } @BOOK{Ayer:Language, author = {Ayer, A. J.}, title = {Language, Truth and Logic}, shorttitle = {Language}, year = {1971}, location = {London}, publisher = {Penguin Books} } @ARTICLE{Black:TheGap, author = {Black, M.}, title = {The Gap between «Is» and «Should»}, shorttitle = {The Gap}, year = {1964}, journaltitle = {The Philosophical Review}, number = {73(2)}, pages = {165--181} } @BOOK{BonJour:InDefense, author = {BonJour, L.}, title = {In Defense of Pure Reason: A~Rationalist Account of A~Priori Justification}, shorttitle = {In Defense}, year = {1998}, location = {Cambridge}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press} } @BOOK{BonJour:TheStructure, author = {BonJour, L.}, title = {The Structure of Empirical Knowledge}, shorttitle = {The Structure}, year = {1985}, location = {Cambridge}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press} } @ARTICLE{Brandt:TheConcept, author = {Brandt, R. B.}, title = {The Concept of Rational Belief}, shorttitle = {The Concept}, year = {1985}, journaltitle = {The Monist}, number = {68(2)}, pages = {3--23} } @BOOK{Carnap:Filozofia, author = {Carnap, R.}, title = {Filozofia jako analiza języka nauki}, shorttitle = {Filozofia}, year = {1969}, location = {Warszawa}, publisher = {Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe}, translator = {Zabłudowski, A.} } @ARTICLE{Cohen:Is, author = {Cohen, M. F.}, title = {«Is» and «Should»: An Unbridged Gap}, shorttitle = {«Is» and «Should»}, year = {1965}, journaltitle = {The Philosophical Review}, number = {74(2)}, pages = {220--228} } @INBOOK{Dancy:Intuicjonizm, author = {Dancy, J.}, title = {Intuicjonizm}, shorttitle = {Intuicjonizm}, year = {1998}, booktitle = {Przewodnik po etyce}, location = {Warszawa}, publisher = {Książka i Wiedza}, editor = {Singer, P.}, pages = {458--467}, translator = {Jedynak, A.} } @INBOOK{Frankena:Obligation, author = {Frankena, W. K.}, title = {Obligation and Value in the Ethics of G.~E. Moore}, shorttitle = {Obligation and Value}, year = {1952}, booktitle = {The Philosophy of G. E. Moore}, location = {New York}, publisher = {Northwestern University}, editor = {Schilpp, P.}, pages = {93--110} } @ARTICLE{Frankena:TheNaturalistic, author = {Frankena, W. K.}, title = {The Naturalistic Fallacy}, shorttitle = {The Naturalistic Fallacy}, year = {1939}, journaltitle = {Mind}, number = {48(192)}, pages = {464--477} } @BOOK{Hare:TheLanguage, author = {Hare, R. M.}, title = {The Language of Morals}, shorttitle = {The Language}, year = {1952}, location = {Oxford}, publisher = {Clarendon Press} } @INBOOK{Hospers:Glowne, author = {Hospers, J.}, title = {Główne teorie metaetyczne}, shorttitle = {Główne teorie}, year = {1975}, booktitle = {Metaetyka}, location = {Warszawa}, publisher = {Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe}, editor = {Lazari-Pawłowska, I.}, pages = {34--64}, translator = {Klimowicz, E.} } @BOOK{Hume:Traktat, author = {Hume, D.}, title = {Traktat o~naturze ludzkiej}, shorttitle = {Traktat}, year = {1963}, location = {Warszawa}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN}, volume = {2}, translator = {Znamierowski, C.} } @ARTICLE{Jedynak:Blad, author = {Jedynak, S.}, title = {Błąd naturalistyczny}, shorttitle = {Błąd}, year = {1967}, journaltitle = {Etyka}, number = {2}, pages = {289--297} } @BOOK{Kant:Krytyka, author = {Kant, I.}, title = {Krytyka czystego rozumu}, shorttitle = {Krytyka}, year = {1957}, location = {Warszawa}, publisher = {Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe}, translator = {Ingarden, R.} } @INBOOK{Kim:What, author = {Kim, J.}, title = {What is ‘Naturalised Epistemology’?}, shorttitle = {What is}, year = {1994}, booktitle = {Naturalising Epistemology}, location = {Cambridge}, publisher = {The MIT Press}, editor = {Kornblith, H.}, pages = {33--56} } @INBOOK{Kornblith:Introduction, author = {Kornblith, H.}, title = {Introduction: What is Naturalistic Epistemology?}, shorttitle = {Introduction}, year = {1994}, booktitle = {Naturalising Epistemology}, location = {Cambridge}, publisher = {The MIT Press}, editor = {Kornblith, H.}, pages = {1--14} } @ARTICLE{MacIntyre:Hume, author = {MacIntyre, A. C.}, title = {Hume on «Is» and «Ought»}, shorttitle = {Hume}, year = {1959}, journaltitle = {The Philosophical Review}, number = {68(4)}, pages = {451--468} } @BOOK{Moore:Etyka, author = {Moore, G. E.}, title = {Etyka}, shorttitle = {Etyka}, year = {1980}, location = {Warszawa}, publisher = {Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe}, translator = {Szawarski, Z.} } @BOOK{Moore:Zasady, author = {Moore, G. E.}, title = {Zasady etyki}, shorttitle = {Zasady}, year = {1919}, location = {Warszawa}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo M. Arcta}, translator = {Znamierowski, C.} } @BOOK{Morton:Przewodnik, author = {Morton, A.}, title = {Przewodnik po teorii poznania}, shorttitle = {Przewodnik}, year = {2002}, location = {Warszawa}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo Spacja}, translator = {Baszniak, T.} } @INBOOK{Niemczuk:Przedmiot, author = {Niemczuk, A.}, title = {Przedmiot języka wartościującego}, shorttitle = {Przedmiot języka}, year = {1998}, booktitle = {Granice języka}, location = {Lublin}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo UMCS}, editor = {Żuk, A.}, pages = {129--159} } @BOOK{NowellSmith:Ethics, author = {Nowell-Smith, P. H.}, title = {Ethics}, shorttitle = {Ethics}, year = {1954}, location = {London, Baltimore}, publisher = {Penguin Books} } @INBOOK{Pigden:Naturalizm, author = {Pigden, C. R.}, title = {Naturalizm}, shorttitle = {Naturalizm}, year = {1998}, booktitle = {Przewodnik po etyce}, location = {Warszawa}, publisher = {Książka i Wiedza}, editor = {Singer, P.}, pages = {468--479}, translator = {Górnicka, J.} } @INBOOK{Platon:Teajtet, author = {Platon}, title = {Teajtet}, shorttitle = {Teajtet}, year = {2002}, bookauthor = {Platon}, booktitle = {Parmenides. Teajtet}, location = {Kęty}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo Antyk}, pages = {85--191}, translator = {Witwicki, W.} } @ARTICLE{Pollock:Epistemic, author = {Pollock, J.}, title = {Epistemic Norms}, shorttitle = {Epistemic Norms}, year = {1987}, journaltitle = {Synthese}, number = {71}, pages = {67--95} } @BOOK{Putnam:TheCollapse, author = {Putnam, H.}, title = {The Collapse of the Fact/Value Dichotomy and Other Essays}, shorttitle = {The Collapse}, year = {2002}, location = {Cambridge}, publisher = {Harvard University Press} } @BOOK{Reichenbach:Powstanie, author = {Reichenbach, H.}, title = {Powstanie filozofii naukowej}, shorttitle = {Powstanie filozofii}, year = {1960}, location = {Warszawa}, publisher = {Książka i Wiedza}, translator = {Krahelska, H.} } @ARTICLE{ScottTaggard:MacIntyre, author = {Scott-Taggard, M. J.}, title = {MacIntyre’s Hume}, shorttitle = {MacIntyre’s Hume}, year = {1961}, journaltitle = {The Philosophical Review}, number = {70(2)}, pages = {239--444} } @ARTICLE{Searle:Howtoderive, author = {Searle, J. R.}, title = {How to derive «ought» from «is»}, shorttitle = {How to derive}, year = {1964}, journaltitle = {The Philosophical Review}, number = {73(1)}, pages = {43--58} } @BOOK{Stevenson:Facts, author = {Stevenson, C. L.}, title = {Facts and Values. Studies in Ethical Analysis}, shorttitle = {Facts and Values}, year = {1963}, location = {New Haven, London}, publisher = {Yale University Press} } @ARTICLE{Stevenson:TheEmotive, author = {Stevenson, C. L.}, title = {The Emotive Meaning of Ethical Terms}, shorttitle = {The Emotive}, year = {1937}, journaltitle = {Mind}, number = {46}, pages = {14--31} } @BOOK{Zieminska:Eksternalizm, author = {Ziemińska, R.}, title = {Eksternalizm we współczesnej epistemologii}, shorttitle = {Eksternalizm}, year = {2002}, location = {Szczecin}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego} } @comment{jabref-meta: selector_keywords:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_journal:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_publisher:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_author:}