% This file was created with JabRef 2.9.2. % Encoding: UTF8 @STRING{WydZnak = {Społeczny Instytut Wydawniczy Znak}} @BOOK{Brejdak:Ciern, author = {Brejdak, J.}, title = {Cierń w~ciele. Myśl Apostoła Pawła w~filozofii współczesnej}, shorttitle = {Cierń w~ciele}, year = {2010}, location = {Kraków}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo WAM}, __markedentry = {} } @INBOOK{Dobhan:Wprowadzenie, author = {Dobhan, U.}, title = {Wprowadzenie}, shorttitle = {Wprowadzenie}, year = {2005}, bookauthor = {Stein, E.}, booktitle = {Wiedza Krzyża. Studium o św. Janie od Krzyża}, location = {Kraków}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo Karmelitów Bosych}, pages = {7--40}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {Adamska, I. J.} } @ARTICLE{Formella:Zycie, author = {Formella, Z.}, title = {Życie jako zadanie. Viktor Emil Frankl w~setną rocznicę urodzin}, shorttitle = {Życie jako zadanie}, year = {2006}, journaltitle = {Seminare}, number = {23}, pages = {385--401}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Frankl:Wola, author = {Frankl, V. E.}, title = {Wola sensu. Założenia i~zastosowania logoterapii}, shorttitle = {Wola sensu}, year = {2010}, location = {Warszawa}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo Czarna Owca}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {Wolnicka, A.} } @BOOK{Frankl:Czlowiek, author = {Frankl, V. E.}, title = {Człowiek w poszukiwaniu sensu}, shorttitle = {Człowiek w poszukiwaniu}, year = {2009}, location = {Warszawa}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo Czarna Owca}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {Wolnicka, A.} } @BOOK{Frankl:Theorie, author = {Frankl, V. E.}, title = {Theorie und Therapie der Neurosen}, shorttitle = {Theorie und Therapie}, year = {1997}, location = {München}, publisher = {Ernst Reinhardt Verlag}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Frankl:DerLeidende, author = {Frankl, V. E.}, title = {Der leidende Mensch. Antropologische Grundlagen der Psychotherapie}, shorttitle = {Der leidende Mensch}, year = {1990}, location = {München}, publisher = {Piper Verlag}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Frankl:ImAnfang, author = {Frankl, V. E.}, title = {Im Anfang war der Sinn. Von der Psychoanalyse zur Logotherapie}, shorttitle = {Im Anfang war der Sinn}, year = {1990}, location = {München, Zürich}, publisher = {Piper Verlag}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Frankl:Homo, author = {Frankl, V. E.}, title = {Homo patiens}, shorttitle = {Homo patiens}, year = {1976}, location = {Warszawa}, publisher = {Instytut Wydawniczy PAX}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {Czarnecki, R. and Morawski, J.} } @BOOK{Frankl:Psycholog, author = {Frankl, V. E.}, title = {Psycholog w obozie koncentracyjnym}, shorttitle = {Psycholog w obozie}, year = {1962}, location = {Warszawa}, publisher = {Instytut Wydawniczy PAX}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {Zagórska, S.} } @ARTICLE{Frankl:OnLogotherapy, author = {Frankl, V. E.}, title = {On logotherapy and existential analysis}, shorttitle = {On logotherapy}, year = {1958}, journaltitle = {The American Journal of Psychoanalysis}, number = {18}, pages = {28--37}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Grzegorczyk:Ponad, author = {Grzegorczyk, A.}, title = {Ponad kulturami. Uniwersalizm Edyty Stein}, shorttitle = {Ponad kulturami}, year = {2010}, location = {Poznań}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo Poznańskie}, __markedentry = {} } @INBOOK{Herbstrith:Mysl, author = {Herbstrith, W.}, title = {Myśl filozoficzna Edyty Stein}, shorttitle = {Myśl}, year = {1999}, booktitle = {Tajemnica osoby ludzkiej. Antropologia Edyty Stein}, location = {Wrocław}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo Wrocławskiej Księgarni Archidiecezjalnej TUM}, editor = {Machnacz, J.}, pages = {17--32}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {Machnacz, J.} } @BOOK{Janus:Psychopatologia, author = {Janus, D.}, title = {Psychopatologia a religia. Strukturalne zbieżności pomiędzy zaburzeniami psychicznymi a religią}, shorttitle = {Psychopatologia a religia}, year = {2004}, location = {Warszawa}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo Eneteia}, series = {Religia i Psyche}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Kratochvil:Psychoterapia, author = {Kratochvil, S.}, title = {Psychoterapia: kierunki, badania, metody}, shorttitle = {Psychoterapia}, year = {1980}, location = {Warszawa}, publisher = {Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {Ciechanowicz, A. and Erhardt-Gronowska, M.} } @ELECTRONIC{Misiarczyk:Swieta, author = {Misiarczyk, L.}, title = {Święta Edyta Stein --- rozum zdobyty przez Krzyż}, date = {2011}, url = {http://mateusz.pl/czytelnia/lm-rozum-przez-krzyz.htm}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Stein:DerAufbau, author = {Stein, E.}, title = {Der Aufbau der menschlichen Person (1932/1933)}, shorttitle = {Der Aufbau}, year = {2010}, location = {Freiburg im Breisgau}, publisher = {Herder Verlag}, series = {Edith Stein Gesamtausgabe [ESGA]}, volume = {14}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Stein:Einfuhrung, author = {Stein, E.}, title = {Einführung in die Philosophie (1917--1932)}, shorttitle = {Einführung}, year = {2010}, location = {Freiburg im Breisgau}, publisher = {Herder Verlag}, series = {Edith Stein Gesamtausgabe [ESGA]}, volume = {8}, __markedentry = {} } @INBOOK{Stein:Individuum, author = {Stein, E.}, title = {Individuum und Gemeinschaft (1919)}, shorttitle = {Individuum}, year = {2010}, booktitle = {Beiträge zur philosophischen Begründung der Psychologie und der Geisteswissenschaften}, location = {Freiburg im Breisgau}, publisher = {Herder Verlag}, series = {Edith Stein Gesamtausgabe [ESGA]}, volume = {6}, pages = {110--262}, __markedentry = {} } @INBOOK{Stein:Psychische, author = {Stein, E.}, title = {Psychische Kausalität (1918)}, shorttitle = {Psychische}, year = {2010}, booktitle = {Beiträge zur philosophischen Begründung der Psychologie und der Geisteswissenschaften}, location = {Freiburg im Breisgau}, publisher = {Herder Verlag}, series = {Edith Stein Gesamtausgabe [ESGA]}, volume = {6}, pages = {3--109}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Stein:EineUntersuchung, author = {Stein, E.}, title = {Eine Untersuchung über den Staat (1920--1924)}, shorttitle = {Eine Untersuchung}, year = {2006}, location = {Freiburg im Breisgau}, publisher = {Herder Verlag}, series = {Edith Stein Gesamtausgabe [ESGA]}, volume = {7}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Stein:Wiedza, author = {Stein, E.}, title = {Wiedza Krzyża. Studium o św. Janie od Krzyża}, shorttitle = {Wiedza Krzyża}, year = {2005}, location = {Kraków}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo Karmelitów Bosych}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {Adamska, I. J.} } @BOOK{Stein:Kreuzeswissenschaft, author = {Stein, E.}, title = {Kreuzeswissenschaft. Studie über Johannes vom Kreuz (1941--1942)}, shorttitle = {Kreuzeswissenschaft}, year = {2003}, location = {Freiburg im Breisgau}, publisher = {Herder Verlag}, series = {Edith Stein Gesamtausgabe [ESGA]}, volume = {18}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Stein:Autobiografia, author = {Stein, E.}, title = {Autobiografia w~listach 1916--1942}, shorttitle = {Autobiografia}, year = {2000}, location = {Kraków}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo Karmelitów Bosych}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {Adamska, I. J.} } @BOOK{Stein:Byt, author = {Stein, E.}, title = {Byt skończony a~byt wieczny (1937)}, shorttitle = {Byt}, user = {Stein, E. Endliches und ewiges Sein (1937), Edith Stein Gesamtausgabe [ESGA], Band 11/12, Freiburg im Bresigau: Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder Verlag, 2009}, year = {1995}, location = {Poznań}, publisher = {W drodze}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {Adamska, I. J.} } @BOOK{Stein:Ozagadnieniu, author = {Stein, E.}, title = {O~zagadnieniu wczucia (1917)}, shorttitle = {O~zagadnieniu}, user = {Wydanie oryginalne: Stein, E., Zum Problem der Einfühlung, Halle: Buchdruckerie des Waisenhauses, 1917. [Przedruk: Zum Problem der Einfühlung, Edith Stein Gesamtausgabe [ESGA], Band 5, Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder Verlag, 2008.]}, year = {1988}, location = {Kraków}, publisher = {Społeczny Instytut Wydawniczy Znak}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {Gierulanka, D. and Gierula, J. F.} } @BOOK{Stein:Zwłasnej, author = {Stein, E.}, title = {Listy}, shorttitle = {Z~własnej głębi}, year = {1979}, location = {Kraków}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo Karmelitów Bosych}, volume = {1}, __markedentry = {}, maintitle = {Z~własnej głębi}, translator = {Adamska, I. J.} } @INBOOK{Szulc:Wiedza, author = {Szulc, A.}, title = {Wiedza Krzyża Edith Stein a~bycie-ku-śmierci Martina Heideggera --- próba porównania}, shorttitle = {Wiedza Krzyża}, year = {2012}, booktitle = {Wokół myśli Edyty Stein. Szkice filozoficzne}, location = {Kraków}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo Karmelitów Bosych}, editor = {Machnacz, J. and Małek, M. and Serafin, K.}, pages = {43--53}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Wojtyla:Swietego, author = {Wojtyła, K.}, title = {Świętego Jana od Krzyża nauka o~wierze (Doctrina de fide apud S.~Ioannem de Cruce, 1948)}, shorttitle = {Świętego Jana}, year = {2000}, location = {Lublin}, publisher = {Towarzystwo Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego}, series = {Człowiek i moralność}, volume = {5}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {Stawecka, K.} } @comment{jabref-meta: selector_keywords:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_journal:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_publisher:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_author:}