% This file was created with JabRef 2.9.2. % Encoding: UTF8 @STRING{WydZnak = {Społeczny Instytut Wydawniczy Znak}} @BOOK{Berdiaev:Samopoznanie, author = {Berdiaev, N. A.}, title = {Samopoznanie (opyt filosofskoj avtobiografii)}, shorttitle = {Samopoznanie}, year = {1990}, location = {Moskva}, publisher = {Mezhdunarodnyie otnosheniia}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Berdiaev:TheBeginning, author = {Berdiaev, N. A.}, title = {The Beginning and the End}, shorttitle = {The Beginning}, year = {1957}, location = {New York}, publisher = {Harper and Brothers Publishers}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {French, R. M.} } @BOOK{Berdiaev:DasIch, author = {Berdiaev, N. A.}, title = {Das Ich und die Welt der Objekte. Versuch einer Philosophie der Einsamkeit und Gemeinschaft}, shorttitle = {Das Ich}, year = {1951}, location = {Darmstadt}, publisher = {Holle}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Berdiaev:Slavery, author = {Berdiaev, N. A.}, title = {Slavery and Freedom}, shorttitle = {Slavery}, year = {1944}, location = {London}, publisher = {Geoffrey Bles}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {French, R. M.} } @BOOK{Berdiaev:Christentum, author = {Berdiaev, N. A.}, title = {Christentum und Klassenkampf}, shorttitle = {Christentum}, year = {1936}, location = {Luzern}, publisher = {Vita Nova Verlag}, __markedentry = {} } @ARTICLE{Berdiaev:Personalizm, author = {Berdiaev, N. A.}, title = {Personalizm i~marksizm}, shorttitle = {Personalizm}, year = {1935}, journaltitle = {Put'}, volume = {48}, pages = {3--20}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Berdiaev:Sudba, author = {Berdiaev, N. A.}, title = {Sud'ba cheloveka v~sovremennom mire, (K~ponimaniiu nashej epochi)}, shorttitle = {Sud'ba}, year = {1934}, location = {Paris}, publisher = {YMCA-Press}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Boobyer:Frank, author = {Boobyer, P.}, title = {S.L. Frank: The Life and Work of a Russian Philosopher, 1877--1950}, shorttitle = {S.L. Frank}, year = {1995}, location = {Athens}, publisher = {Ohio University Press}, __markedentry = {} } @ARTICLE{Boobyer:TheTwo, author = {Boobyer, P.}, title = {The Two Democracies: Semёn Frank´s Interpretation of the Russian Revolutions of 1917}, shorttitle = {The Two}, year = {1993}, journaltitle = {Revolutionary Russia}, volume = {6}, number = {2}, pages = {193--209}, __markedentry = {} } @ARTICLE{Bouyer:AnIntroduction, author = {Bouyer, L.}, title = {An Introduction to the Theme of Wisdom and Creation in the Tradition}, shorttitle = {An Introduction}, year = {1985}, journaltitle = {Le Messager orthodoxe}, number = {98}, pages = {149--161}, issuetitle = {Colloque P.~Serge Boulgakov}, __markedentry = {} } @INBOOK{Bulgakov:Social, author = {Bulgakov, S. N.}, title = {Social Teaching in Modern Russian Orthodox Theology}, shorttitle = {Social Teaching}, year = {1995}, bookauthor = {Bulgakov, S. N.}, booktitle = {Orthodoxy and Modern Society}, location = {New Haven, Conn.}, publisher = {The Variable Press}, editor = {Bird, R.}, __markedentry = {} } @INBOOK{Bulgakov:Priroda, author = {Bulgakov, S. N.}, title = {Priroda v~filosofii Vl.~Solov'eva, (1910), [Nature in Vladimir Solov'ev's Philosophy]}, shorttitle = {Priroda}, year = {1997}, booktitle = {O~Vladimire Solov'eve}, location = {Tomsk}, publisher = {Izdatel'stvo ''Vodolei''}, editor = {Kol'chuzhkin, E.}, pages = {5--31}, __markedentry = {} } @INBOOK{Bulgakov:Glavy, author = {Bulgakov, S. N.}, title = {Glavy o~Troichnosti, (1928--1930)}, shorttitle = {Glavy}, year = {2001}, bookauthor = {Bulgakov, S. N.}, booktitle = {Trudy o~Troichnosti}, location = {Moskva}, publisher = {OGI}, editor = {Kolerov, M. A. and Reznichenko, A.}, series = {Issledovaniia po istorii russkoi mysli}, volume = {6}, pages = {54--181}, __markedentry = {} } @INBOOK{Bulgakov:Apokaliptika, author = {Bulgakov, S. N.}, title = {Apokaliptika i~sotsializm, (Religiozno-filosofskie paralleli)}, shorttitle = {Apokaliptika}, year = {1997}, bookauthor = {Bulgakov, S. N.}, booktitle = {Dva grada. Issledovaniia o~prirodie obshchestviennykh idealov}, location = {St. Petersburg}, publisher = {Izdatel'stvo Russkogo Khristiannskogo Gumanitarnogo Instituta (RGKhI)}, editor = {Sapov, V. V.}, pages = {207--248}, __markedentry = {} } @INBOOK{Bulgakov:Opervokhristianstve, author = {Bulgakov, S. N.}, title = {O~pervokhristianstviie, (O~tom, chto bylo v~nem i~chego ne bylo. Opyt kharakteristiki)}, shorttitle = {O~pervokhristianstve}, year = {1997}, bookauthor = {Bulgakov, S. N.}, booktitle = {Dva grada. Issledovaniia o~prirodie obshchestviennykh idealov}, location = {St. Petersburg}, publisher = {Izdatel'stvo Russkogo Khristiannskogo Gumanitarnogo Instituta (RGKhI)}, editor = {Sapov, V. V.}, pages = {141--180}, __markedentry = {} } @INBOOK{Bulgakov:Otavtora, author = {Bulgakov, S. N.}, title = {Ot avtora}, shorttitle = {Ot avtora}, year = {1997}, bookauthor = {Bulgakov, S. N.}, booktitle = {Dva grada. Issledovaniia o~prirodie obshchestviennykh idealov}, location = {St. Petersburg}, publisher = {Izdatel'stvo Russkogo Khristiannskogo Gumanitarnogo Instituta (RGKhI)}, editor = {Sapov, V. V.}, pages = {7--14}, __markedentry = {} } @ARTICLE{Bulgakov:Prorochestvo, author = {Bulgakov, S. N.}, title = {Prorochestvo}, shorttitle = {Prorochestvo}, year = {1993 [Parizh, N'iu Jork, Moskva]}, journaltitle = {Vestnik russkogo khristianskogo dvizheniia}, number = {167}, pages = {5--12}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Bulgakov:Philosophy, author = {Bulgakov, S. N.}, title = {Philosophy of Economy. The World as a Household, (1912)}, shorttitle = {Phil. of Economy}, year = {2000}, location = {New Haven, London}, publisher = {Yale University Press}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {Evtuhov, C.} } @BOOK{Bulgakov:Svet, author = {Bulgakov, S. N.}, title = {Svet nevechernij. Sozertsaniia i~umozreniia}, shorttitle = {Svet}, year = {1917}, location = {Sergiiev-Posad (Mosk. Guberniia)}, publisher = {Tip. I.~Ivanova}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Bulgakov:Kapitalizm, author = {Bulgakov, S. N.}, title = {Kapitalizm i~zemledelenie, [Capitalism and Agriculture]}, shorttitle = {Kapitalizm}, year = {1900}, location = {St. Petersburg}, publisher = {Tip. i~lit. V.A.~Tikhanova}, volume = {1--2}, __markedentry = {} } @ARTICLE{Bulgakov:Kvoprosu, author = {Bulgakov, S. N.}, title = {K~voprosu o~kapitalisticheskoj evoliucii zemledelenia, [About Capitalism in Agriculture]}, shorttitle = {K~voprosu}, year = {1899}, journaltitle = {Nachalo}, number = {1--2, 3}, pages = {1--21, 25--33}, __markedentry = {} } @ARTICLE{Bulgakov:Onekotorykh, author = {Bulgakov, S. N.}, title = {O~nekotorykh osnovnykh poniatiiakh politicheskoj ekonomii}, shorttitle = {O~nekotorykh}, year = {1898}, journaltitle = {Nauchnoe obozrenie}, number = {2, 9, 10}, pages = {331--353, 1483--1575, 1647--1676}, __markedentry = {} } @ARTICLE{Bulgakov:Chtotakoe, author = {Bulgakov, S. N.}, title = {Chto takoe trudovaia tsennost' [What is the Surplus Value]}, shorttitle = {Chto takoe}, year = {1896}, journaltitle = {Sbornik pravovedeniia obshchestvennykh znanii}, volume = {6}, pages = {221--258}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Calian:Thesignificance, author = {Calian, C. S.}, title = {The significance of eschatology in the thoughts of Nicolas Berdyaev}, shorttitle = {The significance}, year = {1965}, location = {Leiden}, publisher = {E.J. Brill}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Copleston:Philosophy, author = {Copleston, F. C.}, title = {Philosophy in Russia. From Herzen to Lenin and Berdyaev}, shorttitle = {Philosophy in Russia}, year = {1986}, location = {Notre Dame}, publisher = {University of Notre Dame Press}, __markedentry = {} } @PHDTHESIS{David:TheFormation, author = {David, Z. V.}, title = {The Formation of the Religious and Social System of Vladimir S.~Solovëv}, institution = {Harvard University in Cambridge}, year = {1960}, __markedentry = {}, shorttitle = {The Formation} } @BOOK{Davy:NicolasBerdiaev, author = {Davy, M.-M.}, title = {Nicolas Berdiaev. L'homme du huitème jour}, shorttitle = {Nicolas Berdiaev}, year = {1964}, location = {Paris}, publisher = {Flammarion}, __markedentry = {} } @INBOOK{Ehlen:Einleitung, author = {Ehlen, P.}, title = {Einleitung}, shorttitle = {Einleitung}, year = {2002}, booktitle = {Simon L. Frank: Die geistigen Grundlagen der Gesellschaft. Einführung in die Sozialphilosophie}, location = {Freiburg, München}, publisher = {Alber}, editor = {Ehlen, P. and Schulz, P. and Lobkowicz, N. and Luks, L.}, pages = {11--77}, __markedentry = {} } @ARTICLE{Ehlen:DieWir, author = {Ehlen, P.}, title = {Die Wir-Philosophie Simon L. Franks}, shorttitle = {Die Wir-Philosophie}, year = {1997}, journaltitle = {Philosophisches Jahrbuch}, number = {104}, pages = {390--405}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Evtuhov:TheCross, author = {Evtuhov, C.}, title = {The Cross and the Sickle: Sergei Bulgakov and the Fate of Russian Religious Philosophy}, shorttitle = {The Cross}, year = {1997}, location = {Ithaca, NY}, publisher = {Cornell University Press}, __markedentry = {} } @INBOOK{Frank:Absoliutnoe, author = {Frank, S. L.}, title = {Absoliutnoe}, shorttitle = {Absoliutnoe}, year = {1995}, bookauthor = {Frank, S. L.}, booktitle = {Predmet znaniia. Ob osnovakh i~predelakh otvlechennogo znaniia}, location = {St. Petersburg}, publisher = {Nauka}, editor = {Evlampiiev, I. I.}, pages = {58--71}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {Vlaskina, A. and Ermicheva, A.} } @INBOOK{Frank:Dukhovnoe, author = {Frank, S. L.}, title = {Dukhovnoe nasledie Vladimira Solov'eva}, shorttitle = {Dukhovnoe}, year = {1995}, bookauthor = {Frank, S. L.}, booktitle = {Predmet znaniia. Ob osnovakh i~predelakh otvlechennogo znaniia}, location = {St. Petersburg}, publisher = {Nauka}, editor = {Evlampiiev, I. I.}, pages = {392--398}, __markedentry = {} } @INBOOK{Frank:Onevozmozhnosti, author = {Frank, S. L.}, title = {O~nevozmozhnosti filosofii}, shorttitle = {O~nevozmozhnosti}, year = {1995}, bookauthor = {Frank, S. L.}, booktitle = {Predmet znaniia. Ob osnovakh i~predelakh otvlechennogo znaniia}, location = {St. Petersburg}, publisher = {Nauka}, editor = {Evlampiiev, I. I.}, pages = {88--94}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Frank:Predmet, author = {Frank, S. L.}, title = {Predmet znaniia. Ob osnovakh i~predelakh otvlechennogo znaniia}, shorttitle = {Predmet}, year = {1995}, location = {St. Petersburg}, publisher = {Nauka}, editor = {Evlampiiev, I. I.}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Frank:TheLight, author = {Frank, S. L.}, title = {The Light Shineth in Darkness: An Essay in Christian Ethics and Social Philosophy}, shorttitle = {The Light}, year = {1989}, location = {Athens}, publisher = {Ohio University Press}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Frank:TheSpiritual, author = {Frank, S. L.}, title = {The Spiritual Foundations of Society. An Introduction to Social Philosophy}, shorttitle = {The Spiritual}, year = {1987}, location = {Athens, Ohio, London}, publisher = {Ohio University Press}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {Jakim, B.} } @BOOK{Frank:TheUnknowable, author = {Frank, S. L.}, title = {The Unknowable. An Ontological Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion}, shorttitle = {The Unknowable}, year = {1983}, location = {Athens, Ohio, London}, publisher = {Ohio University Press}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {Jakim, B.} } @INBOOK{Frank:Oprirode, author = {Frank, S. L.}, title = {O~prirode dushevnoj zhizni}, shorttitle = {O~prirode}, year = {1972}, bookauthor = {Frank, S. L.}, booktitle = {Po tu storonu pravogo i~levogo}, location = {Paris}, publisher = {YMCA Press}, pages = {155--239}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Frank:Reality, author = {Frank, S. L.}, title = {Reality and Man. An Essay in the Metaphysics of Human Nature}, shorttitle = {Reality}, year = {1965}, location = {London}, publisher = {Faber and Faber}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {Duddington, N.} } @ARTICLE{Frank:ZurMetaphysik, author = {Frank, S. L.}, title = {Zur Metaphysik der Seele}, shorttitle = {Zur Metaphysik}, year = {1929}, journaltitle = {Kant--Studien}, volume = {34}, number = {1--4}, pages = {351--374}, __markedentry = {} } @PHDTHESIS{Gottlieb:TheChristian, author = {Gottlieb, C.}, title = {The Christian Response to the Revolution}, institution = {King's College, Cambridge}, year = {1993}, __markedentry = {}, shorttitle = {The Christian} } @BOOK{Groys:DieErfindung, author = {Groys, B.}, title = {Die Erfindung Rußlands}, shorttitle = {Die Erfindung}, year = {1995}, location = {München, Wien}, publisher = {Carl Hanser}, __markedentry = {} } @ARTICLE{Kolerov:Smysl, author = {Kolerov, M. A.}, title = {Smysl' liubvi v filosofii Vladimira Solov'ëva i gnosticheskie paralleli}, shorttitle = {Smysl'}, year = {1995}, journaltitle = {Voprosy filosofii}, volume = {7}, pages = {59--78}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Lowrie:Rebellious, author = {Lowrie, D. A.}, title = {Rebellious Prophet. A~Life of Nicolai Berdyaev}, shorttitle = {Rebellious}, year = {1960}, location = {London}, publisher = {Victor Gollancz Ltd.}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Marx:Selected, author = {Marx, K. and Engels, F.}, title = {Selected Works}, shorttitle = {Selected Works}, year = {1968}, location = {New York}, publisher = {International Publishers}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{McLachlan:Thedesire, author = {McLachlan, J. M.}, title = {The desire to be God: freedom and the other in Sartre and Berdyaev}, shorttitle = {The desire}, year = {1992}, location = {New York}, publisher = {P. Lang}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Mochulskij:Vladimir, author = {Mochul'skij, K.}, title = {Vladimir Solov'ëv. Zhizn' i~uchenie}, shorttitle = {Vladimir Solov'ëv}, year = {1936}, location = {Paris}, publisher = {YMCA Press}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Nethercott:Russia, author = {Nethercott, F.}, title = {Russia s~Plato: Plato and the Platonic Tradition in Russian Education, Science, and Ideology (1840--1930)}, shorttitle = {Russia s~Plato}, year = {2000}, location = {Burlington, VT}, publisher = {Ashgate}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Russell:AHistory, author = {Russell, B.}, title = {A~History of Western Philosophy and Its Connection with Political and Social Circumstances from the Earliest Times to the Present Day}, shorttitle = {A~History}, year = {1945}, location = {New York}, publisher = {Simon and Schuster}, __markedentry = {} } @ARTICLE{Schelling:Soul, author = {Schelling, F. W. J.}, title = {On the World Soul: an Hypothesis of Higher Physics for Explaining Universal Organism, (1798)}, shorttitle = {On the World Soul}, year = {2010}, journaltitle = {Collapse: Geo/Philosophy}, number = {6}, pages = {58--95}, editor = {Mackay, R.}, __markedentry = {}, introduction = {Grant, I. H.}, translator = {Grant, I. H.} } @INBOOK{Schelling:Ideen, author = {Schelling, F. W. J.}, title = {Ideen zu einer Philosophie der Natur}, shorttitle = {Ideen}, year = {1907}, bookauthor = {Schelling, F. W. J.}, booktitle = {Werke. Ausgewählte in drei Bänden. Bd.~I: Schriften zur Naturphilosophie}, location = {Leibzig}, publisher = {Fritz Eckardt Verlag}, editor = {Weiss, O.}, __markedentry = {} } @INBOOK{Schelling:System, author = {Schelling, F. W. J.}, title = {System des transzendentalen Idealismus}, shorttitle = {System}, year = {1907}, bookauthor = {Schelling, F. W. J.}, booktitle = {Werke. Ausgewählte in drei Bänden. Bd.~II: Schriften zur Indentitätsphilosophie}, location = {Leibzig}, publisher = {Fritz Eckardt Verlag}, editor = {Weiss, O.}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Schelling:Ideas, author = {Schelling, F. W. J.}, title = {Ideas for a~Philosophy of Nature: as Introduction to the Study of this Science, (1979)}, shorttitle = {Ideas}, year = {1988}, location = {Cambridge}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {Harris, E. E. and Heath, P.} } @PHDTHESIS{Schrooyen:Vladimir, author = {Schrooyen, P. W.}, title = {Vladimir Solovëv in the Rising Public Sphere. A~Reconstruction and Analysis of the Concept of Christian Politics in the Publisistika of Vladimir Solovëv}, institution = {Radboud Nijmegen University}, year = {2006}, __markedentry = {}, shorttitle = {Vladimir Solovëv} } @INBOOK{Solovev:LaRussie, author = {Solovëv, V. S.}, title = {La Russie et l‘église universelle, (1889)}, shorttitle = {La Russie}, year = {1978}, bookauthor = {Solovëv, V. S.}, booktitle = {La Sophia et les autres écrits français, (1875--1876)}, location = {Lausanne}, publisher = {La Cité}, editor = {Rouleau, F.}, pages = {126--306}, __markedentry = {} } @INBOOK{Solovev:LaSophia, author = {Solovëv, V. S.}, title = {La Sophia, (1875--1876)}, shorttitle = {La Sophia}, year = {1978}, bookauthor = {Solovëv, V. S.}, booktitle = {La Sophia et les autres écrits français, (1875--1876)}, location = {Lausanne}, publisher = {La Cité}, editor = {Rouleau, F.}, pages = {3--82}, __markedentry = {} } @INBOOK{Solovev:Krasota, author = {Solovëv, V. S.}, title = {Krasota, (1895), [Beauty], [in: Entsiklopedicheskij slovar' Brokgauza i~Efrona]}, shorttitle = {Krasota}, year = {1969}, bookauthor = {Solovëv, V. S.}, booktitle = {Sobranie sochinenii Vladimira Sergeevicha Solov'eva v~dvennadsat' tomakh}, location = {(St. Petersburg), Bruxelles}, publisher = {(Prosveschenie: Izdatel'stvo Zhizn' s~Bogom), Foyer Oriental Chrétien}, editor = {Solovëv, S. M. and Radlov, E. L.}, volume = {11}, pages = {235--236}, __markedentry = {} } @INBOOK{Solovev:Mistika, author = {Solovëv, V. S.}, title = {Mistika --- Mimisticizm, (1896), [Mystic --- Mysticism], [in: Entsiklopedicheskij slovar' Brokgauza i~Efrona]}, shorttitle = {Mistika}, year = {1969}, bookauthor = {Solovëv, V. S.}, booktitle = {Sobranie sochinenii Vladimira Sergeevicha Solov'eva v~dvennadsat' tomakh}, location = {(St. Petersburg), Bruxelles}, publisher = {(Prosveschenie: Izdatel'stvo Zhizn' s~Bogom), Foyer Oriental Chrétien}, editor = {Solovëv, S. M. and Radlov, E. L.}, volume = {11}, pages = {243--245}, __markedentry = {} } @INBOOK{Solovev:Dukhovnye, author = {Solovëv, V. S.}, title = {Dukhovnye osnovy zhizni, (1882--1884), [Spiritual Foundations of Life]}, shorttitle = {Dukhovnye osnovy}, year = {1966}, bookauthor = {Solovëv, V. S.}, booktitle = {Sobranie sochinenii Vladimira Sergeevicha Solov'eva v~dvennadsat' tomakh}, location = {(St. Petersburg), Bruxelles}, publisher = {(Prosveschenie: Izdatel'stvo Zhizn' s~Bogom), Foyer Oriental Chrétien}, editor = {Solovëv, S. M. and Radlov, E. L.}, volume = {4}, pages = {301--416}, __markedentry = {} } @INBOOK{Solovev:Evrejstvo, author = {Solovëv, V. S.}, title = {Evrejstvo i~khristianskij vopros, (1884), [Jewry and the Christian Question]}, shorttitle = {Evrejstvo}, year = {1966}, bookauthor = {Solovëv, V. S.}, booktitle = {Sobranie sochinenii Vladimira Sergeevicha Solov'eva v~dvennadsat' tomakh}, location = {(St. Petersburg), Bruxelles}, publisher = {(Prosveschenie: Izdatel'stvo Zhizn' s~Bogom), Foyer Oriental Chrétien}, editor = {Solovëv, S. M. and Radlov, E. L.}, volume = {4}, pages = {135--185}, __markedentry = {} } @INBOOK{Solovev:Istoriia, author = {Solovëv, V. S.}, title = {Istoriia i~buduchshnost' teokratii, (1885--1887), [History and Future of Theocracy]}, shorttitle = {Istoriia}, year = {1966}, bookauthor = {Solovëv, V. S.}, booktitle = {Sobranie sochinenii Vladimira Sergeevicha Solov'eva v~dvennadsat' tomakh}, location = {(St. Petersburg), Bruxelles}, publisher = {(Prosveschenie: Izdatel'stvo Zhizn' s~Bogom), Foyer Oriental Chrétien}, editor = {Solovëv, S. M. and Radlov, E. L.}, volume = {4}, pages = {241--639}, __markedentry = {} } @INBOOK{Solovev:Opravdanie, author = {Solovëv, V. S.}, title = {Opravdanie Dobra. Nravstvennaia Filosofiia, (1894--1897), [Justification of the Good. Moral Philosophy]}, shorttitle = {Opravdanie}, year = {1966}, bookauthor = {Solovëv, V. S.}, booktitle = {Sobranie sochinenii Vladimira Sergeevicha Solov'eva v~dvennadsat' tomakh}, location = {(St. Petersburg), Bruxelles}, publisher = {(Prosveschenie: Izdatel'stvo Zhizn' s~Bogom), Foyer Oriental Chrétien}, editor = {Solovëv, S. M. and Radlov, E. L.}, volume = {8}, pages = {1--518}, __markedentry = {} } @INBOOK{Solovev:Smysl, author = {Solovëv, V. S.}, title = {Smysl' liubvi, (1892—1894), [The Meaning of Love]}, shorttitle = {Smysl'}, year = {1966}, bookauthor = {Solovëv, V. S.}, booktitle = {Sobranie sochinenii Vladimira Sergeevicha Solov'eva v~dvennadsat' tomakh}, location = {(St. Petersburg), Bruxelles}, publisher = {(Prosveschenie: Izdatel'stvo Zhizn' s~Bogom), Foyer Oriental Chrétien}, editor = {Solovëv, S. M. and Radlov, E. L.}, volume = {7}, pages = {3--62}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Stremoukhoff:VladimirSoloviev, author = {Strémoukhoff, D.}, title = {Vladimir Soloviev et son oeuvre messianique}, shorttitle = {Vladimir Soloviev}, year = {1935 (1975)}, location = {Paris (Lausanne)}, publisher = {L'Age d'Homme}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Herberg:FourExistentialist, title = {Four Existentialist Theologians. A Reader from the Works of Jacques Maritain, Nicolas Berdyaev, Martin Buber and Paul Tillich}, shorttitle = {Four Existentialist}, year = {1957}, location = {New York}, publisher = {Harper and Brothers Publishers}, editor = {Herberg, W.}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Bulgakov:TheOrthodox, author = {Bulgakov, S. N.}, title = {The Orthodox Church}, shorttitle = {The Orthodox Church}, year = {1988}, location = {Crestwood, NY}, publisher = {St. Vladimir's Seminary Press}, translator = {Hopko, T. and Kesich, L.} } @comment{jabref-meta: selector_keywords:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_journal:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_publisher:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_author:}