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Wstępne wyniki badania dzieci przedszkolnych}, shorttitle = {Poczucie jakości życia u~małych dzieci}, year = {2006}, journaltitle = {Czasopismo Psychologiczne}, number = {12(1)}, pages = {101--114} } @ARTICLE{OlesM:JakOceniac, author = {Oleś, M.}, title = {Jak oceniać jakość życia u~dzieci?}, shorttitle = {Jak oceniać jakość życia u~dzieci?}, year = {2005}, journaltitle = {Psychologia Jakości Życia}, number = {4(1)}, pages = {69--88} } @ARTICLE{Raphael:TheQuality, author = {Raphael, D. and Rukholm, E. and Brown, I. and Hill-Bailey, R. 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W. and Seid, M. and Rhode, C. A.}, title = {The PedsQLTM: Measurement Model for the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory}, shorttitle = {The PedsQLTM}, year = {1999}, journaltitle = {Medical Care}, number = {37}, pages = {126--139} } @BOOK{WHO:Constitution, addendum = {{World Health Organization (WHO)}}, title = {Constitution of the World Health Organization Basic Document}, shorttitle = {Constitution of the World Health Organization}, year = {1948}, location = {Geneva}, publisher = {World Health Organization} } @BOOK{WHO:Targets, addendum = {{World Health Organization (WHO), Regional Office for Europe}}, title = {Targets for Health for All: Targets in Support of the European Regional Strategy for Health for All, \emph{(European Health for All Series No. 1)}}, shorttitle = {Targets for Health for All}, year = {1985}, location = {Copenhagen}, publisher = {World Health Organization} } @BOOK{ONZ:Konwencja, addendum = {{Zgromadzenie Ogólne Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych (ONZ)}}, title = {Konwencja o~prawach dziecka \emph{przyjęta przez Zgromadzenie Ogólne Narodów Zjednoczonych dnia 20~listopada 1989 r.,}}, shorttitle = {Konwencja o~prawach dziecka}, location = {Warszawa}, publisher = {Dz. U. Nr 120, poz. 526 z 23 grudnia 1991 r.}, url = {http://brpd.gov.pl/konwencja-o-prawach-dziecka} } @comment{jabref-meta: selector_keywords:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_journal:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_publisher:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_author:}