% This file was created with JabRef 2.9.2. % Encoding: UTF8 @STRING{WydZnak = {Społeczny Instytut Wydawniczy Znak}} @INBOOK{Hildegard:Letter, author = {{Hildegard of Bingen}}, title = {Letter to Guibert of Gembloux}, shorttitle = {Letter to Guibert}, __markedentry = {}, crossref = {Baird:ThePersonal} } @INBOOK{Hildegard:Letter2, author = {{Hildegard of Bingen}}, title = {Letter to the Clerics of Cologne}, shorttitle = {Letter to the Clerics}, __markedentry = {}, crossref = {Baird:ThePersonal} } @INBOOK{Hildegard:Letter3, author = {{Hildegard of Bingen}}, title = {Letter to the Abot Gedolphus}, shorttitle = {Letter to Gedolphus}, __markedentry = {}, crossref = {Baird:ThePersonal} } @BOOK{Beer:Kobiety, author = {Beer, F.}, title = {Kobiety i~doświadczenie mistyczne w~Średniowieczu}, shorttitle = {Kobiety}, year = {1996}, location = {Kraków}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo Znak}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {Branny, A.} } @ARTICLE{Burakowski:Struktura, author = {Burakowski, D.}, title = {Struktura anima mundi w~Platońskim Timaiosie}, shorttitle = {Struktura}, year = {2006}, journaltitle = {Idea --- Studia nad strukturą i~rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych}, volume = {18}, pages = {23--28}, __markedentry = {} } @INBOOK{Burnett:Hildegard, author = {Burnett, C.}, title = {Hildegard of Bingen and the Science of the Stars}, shorttitle = {Hildegard}, year = {1998}, booktitle = {Hildegard of Bingen. The Context of her Thought and Art}, location = {London}, publisher = {The Warburg Institute}, editor = {Burnett, C. and Dronke, P.}, pages = {111--120}, __markedentry = {} } @INBOOK{Carlevaris:Ildegarda, author = {Carlevaris, A.}, title = {Ildegarda e~la Patristica}, shorttitle = {Ildegarda}, year = {1998}, booktitle = {Hildegard of Bingen. The Context of her Thought and Art}, location = {London}, publisher = {The Warburg Institute}, editor = {Burnett, C. and Dronke, P.}, pages = {65--80}, __markedentry = {} } @INBOOK{Caviness:Hildegard, author = {Caviness, M. H.}, title = {Hildegard as Designer of the Illustrations of her Works}, shorttitle = {Hildegard}, year = {1998}, booktitle = {Hildegard of Bingen. The Context of her Thought and Art}, location = {London}, publisher = {The Warburg Institute}, editor = {Burnett, C. and Dronke, P.}, pages = {29--63}, __markedentry = {} } @INBOOK{Dronke:Allegorica, author = {Dronke, P.}, title = {The Allegorical World-Picture of Hildegard of Bingen: Revaluations and New Problems}, shorttitle = {The Allegorica}, year = {1998}, booktitle = {Hildegard of Bingen. The Context of her Thought and Art}, location = {London}, publisher = {The Warburg Institute}, editor = {Burnett, C. and Dronke, P.}, pages = {1--16}, __markedentry = {} } @INBOOK{Dronke:Hildegard, author = {Dronke, P.}, title = {Hildegard's Inventions. Aspects of her Language and Imagery}, shorttitle = {Hildegard's Inventions}, year = {2000}, booktitle = {Hildegard von Bingen in ihrem historischen Umfeld}, location = {Mainz}, publisher = {Verlag Philopp von Zabern}, editor = {Haverkamp, A.}, pages = {299--320}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Flanagan:Hildegarda, author = {Flanagan, S.}, title = {Hildegarda z~Bingen. Żywot wizjonerki}, shorttitle = {Hildegarda}, year = {2002}, location = {Warszawa}, publisher = {Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {Sudół, R.} } @ARTICLE{Frey:Hildegarda, author = {Frey, L.}, title = {Hildegarda z~Bingen (1098--1179) średniowieczna znawczyni przyrody}, shorttitle = {Hildegarda}, year = {2008}, journaltitle = {Wiadomości Botaniczne}, volume = {52}, number = {1--2}, pages = {126--130}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Godlewicz:Plastyczne, author = {Godlewicz-Adamiec, J.}, title = {Plastyczne i~językowe środki wyrazu w~dziełach mistyków niemieckich epoki średniowiecza}, shorttitle = {Plastyczne}, year = {2005}, location = {Warszawa}, publisher = {Instytut Germanistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego}, __markedentry = {} } @ARTICLE{Godlewicz:Symbol, author = {Godlewicz-Adamiec, J. and Wolting, M.}, title = {Symbol wody życia w~wizji Hildegardy z~Bingen}, shorttitle = {Symbol}, year = {2001}, journaltitle = {Studia Niemcoznawcze}, number = {21}, pages = {263--270}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Hertzka:Takleczy, author = {Hertzka, G.}, title = {Tak leczy Bóg: medycyna św.~Hildegardy z~Bingen jako nowy sposób naturalnego leczenia}, shorttitle = {Tak leczy Bóg}, year = {2010}, location = {Legnica}, publisher = {Polskie Centrum św.~Hildegardy}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {Walkowska, A. and Boruszczak, P.} } @INBOOK{Hildegarda:Ksiega, author = {{Hildegarda z Bingen}}, title = {Księga dzieł Bożych}, shorttitle = {Księga}, year = {2005}, booktitle = {Studia nad filozofią starożytną i~średniowieczną, t. 3: Filozoficzne aspekty średniowiecznej mistyki}, location = {Warszawa}, publisher = {Wydział Filozofii i~Socjologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego}, editor = {Górniak, A.}, pages = {243--252}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {Wieczorek, B.} } @INBOOK{Hildegarda:List, author = {{Hildegarda z Bingen}}, title = {List do kongregacji mniszek}, shorttitle = {List}, year = {2003}, booktitle = {Hildegarda z~Bingen. Teologia muzyki}, location = {Kraków}, publisher = {Homini}, editor = {Matusiak, B.}, pages = {165--167}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {Matusiak, B.} } @INBOOK{Hildegarda:List23, author = {{Hildegarda z Bingen}}, title = {List~23 do prałatów mogunckich}, shorttitle = {List 23}, year = {2003}, booktitle = {Hildegarda z~Bingen. Teologia muzyki}, location = {Kraków}, publisher = {Homini}, editor = {Matusiak, B.}, pages = {155--161}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {Matusiak, B.} } @BOOK{Hildegarda:Scivias, author = {{Hildegarda z Bingen}}, title = {Księga pierwsza i~druga}, shorttitle = {Scivias}, year = {2011}, location = {Tyniec}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo Benedyktynów}, editor = {Łukaszewska-Haberkowa, J.}, series = {Źródła monastyczne}, volume = {1}, number = {57}, __markedentry = {}, maintitle = {Scivias}, translator = {Łukaszewska-Haberkowa, J.} } @INBOOK{Hildegard:FifthVision, author = {{Hildegard of Bingen}}, title = {Fifth Vision}, shorttitle = {Fifth Vision}, year = {1998}, booktitle = {Jutta and Hildegard. The Biographical Sources}, location = {Turnhout}, publisher = {Brepols}, editor = {Silvas, A.}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {Silvas, A.} } @BOOK{Hirscher:Leczymy, author = {Hirscher, P.}, title = {Leczymy się i~gotujemy ze św.~Hildegardą: receptury i~recepty ze średniowiecznego klasztoru}, shorttitle = {Leczymy}, year = {2006}, location = {Warszawa}, publisher = {Instytut Wydawniczy PAX}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {Czarnocki, A.} } @INBOOK{Jablonska:Hildegarda, author = {Jabłońska, A. and Kowalska, A.}, title = {Hildegarda z~Bingen. Szkic do portretu}, shorttitle = {Hildegarda}, year = {2003}, booktitle = {Niebem i~sercem okryta. Studia historyczne dedykowane dr Jolancie Malinowskiej}, location = {Toruń}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek}, editor = {Malinowski, M.}, pages = {27--40}, __markedentry = {} } @INBOOK{Jamroz:Byt, author = {Jamróz, M.}, title = {Byt i~muzyka w \textit{Ordo virtutum} Hildegardy z~Bingen}, shorttitle = {Byt i muzyka}, year = {2003}, booktitle = {Filozofia muzyki. Studia}, location = {Kraków}, publisher = {Musica Iagellonica}, editor = {Guczalski, K.}, pages = {233--242}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Kluge:Wielka, author = {Kluge, H.}, title = {Wielka księga Hildegardy z~Bingen: tajemnice zdrowego życia}, shorttitle = {Wielka księga}, year = {2008}, location = {Kielce}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo Jedność}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {Jałowiec-Sawicka, M.} } @INBOOK{Kowalewska:Prophetica, author = {Kowalewska, M.}, title = {\textit{Prophetica teutonica} --- święta Hildegarda z~Bingen: życie i~dzieło}, shorttitle = {Prophetica}, year = {2000}, booktitle = {Duchowość i~religijność kobiet dawniej i~dziś}, location = {Poznań}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo Fundacji Humaniora}, editor = {Pakszys, E. and Sikorska, L.}, pages = {29--46}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Kowalewska:Bog, author = {Kowalewska, M.}, title = {Bóg --- Kosmos --- Człowiek w~twórczości Hildegardy z~Bingen}, shorttitle = {Bóg}, year = {2007}, location = {Lublin}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo UMCS}, __markedentry = {} } @ARTICLE{Kowalewska:Komentarz, author = {Kowalewska, M.}, title = {Komentarz do biblijnego opisu stworzenia (Gen~1--2) w~\textit{Liber Divinorum Operum} Hildegardy z~Bingen}, shorttitle = {Komentarz}, year = {2007}, journaltitle = {Acta Mediaevalia}, number = {20}, pages = {163--176}, __markedentry = {} } @ARTICLE{Kowalewska:Hildegardy, author = {Kowalewska, M.}, title = {Hildegardy z~Bingen wizja człowieka}, shorttitle = {Hildegardy}, year = {2005}, journaltitle = {Acta Mediaevalia}, number = {18}, pages = {267--286}, __markedentry = {} } @ARTICLE{Kuc:Zhistorii, author = {Kuc, L.}, title = {Z~historii poglądów na człowieka w~wieku dwunastym. 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Analiza pasyjnej antyfony Hildegardy z~Bingen}, shorttitle = {Zbawienie}, year = {2004}, journaltitle = {Rocznik Teologiczny}, number = {46(2)}, pages = {215--222}, __markedentry = {} } @ARTICLE{Matusiak:Topowiada, author = {Matusiak, B.}, title = {To powiada żyjące światło: korespondencja Hildegardy z~Bingen z~Tenxwindą z~Andernach}, shorttitle = {To powiada}, year = {2001}, journaltitle = {Canor}, number = {33}, pages = {17--20}, __markedentry = {} } @ARTICLE{Milcarek:Zagadnienia, author = {Milcarek, M.}, title = {Zagadnienia antropologiczne w~\textit{,,Scivias''} św.~Hildegardy z~Bingen}, shorttitle = {Zagadnienia}, year = {1997}, journaltitle = {Studia Philosophiae Christianae}, number = {2}, pages = {111--118}, __markedentry = {} } @INBOOK{Moulinier:Abbesse, author = {Moulinier, L.}, title = {Abbesse et agronomie: Hildegard et la savoir botanique de son temps}, shorttitle = {Abbesse}, year = {1998}, booktitle = {Hildegard of Bingen. The Context of her Thought and Art}, location = {London}, publisher = {The Warburg Institute}, editor = {Burnett, C. and Dronke, P.}, pages = {135--156}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Newman:Sister, author = {Newman, B.}, title = {Sister of Wisdom. St. Hildegard's Theology of the Feminine}, shorttitle = {Sister of Wisdom}, year = {1989}, location = {Berkeley, Los Angeles}, publisher = {University of California Press}, __markedentry = {} } @INBOOK{Nowak:Musica, author = {Nowak, B.}, title = {Musica mundana --- musica humana w~refleksji filozoficznej Hildegardy z~Bingen}, shorttitle = {Musica mundana}, year = {2011}, booktitle = {Filozoficzne konteksty edukacji artystycznej}, location = {Poznań}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Nauk Społecznych UAM}, editor = {Krzyśka, S. and Kubicki, R. and Michałowska, D.}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Olerud:Lidee, author = {Olerud, A.}, title = {L'idée de macrocosmos et de microcosmos dans le Timée de Platon: étude de mythologie comparée}, shorttitle = {L'idée}, year = {1951}, location = {Uppsala}, publisher = {Almqvist and Wiksells Boktryckeri AB}, __markedentry = {} } @INBOOK{Otlewska:Teofania, author = {Otlewska, M.}, title = {Teofania stworzenia w~myśli św.~Hildegardy z~Bingen}, shorttitle = {Teofania}, year = {2008}, booktitle = {Człowiek i~świat wokół niego. Studia z~filozofii średniowiecznej}, location = {Wrocław}, publisher = {Instytut Filozofii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego}, editor = {Manikowski, M.}, pages = {159-167}, __markedentry = {} } @INBOOK{Otlewska:Struktura, author = {Otlewska, M.}, title = {Struktura duszy w~myśli Hildegardy z~Bingen}, shorttitle = {Struktura duszy}, year = {2011}, booktitle = {Współczesne refleksje wokół kartezjańskiej wizji podmiotu}, location = {Łódź}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo Akademii Humanistyczno-Ekonomicznej w~Łodzi}, editor = {Pobojewska, A.}, __markedentry = {} } @INBOOK{Pietka:Mikro, author = {Piętka, R.}, title = {Mikro- i makrokosmos w~starożytności --- od presokratyków do Ojców Kościoła}, shorttitle = {Mikro- i makrokosmos}, year = {2009}, booktitle = {Makrokosmos versus Mikrokosmos}, location = {Poznań}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk -- Wydawnictwo Kontekst}, editor = {Magowska, A.}, __markedentry = {} } @INBOOK{Platon:Timaios, author = {Platon}, title = {Timaios}, shorttitle = {Timaios}, year = {2005}, booktitle = {Dialogi}, location = {Kęty}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo Antyk}, editor = {Witwicki, W.}, volume = {2}, pages = {657--743}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {Witwicki, W.} } @BOOK{Posch:Cotojest, author = {Posch, H.}, title = {Co to jest medycyna Hildegardy?}, shorttitle = {Co to jest}, year = {2001}, location = {Kraków}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo Czuwajmy}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {Eckl, J. 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Autorytet Hildegardy z~Bingen w~sporach między jezuitami i~Akademią Krakowską}, shorttitle = {Prophetia}, year = {2008}, journaltitle = {Roczniki Filozoficzne}, volume = {56}, number = {2}, pages = {343--357}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Gaidenko:Istoriia, author = {Гайденко, П. П.}, title = {История греческой философии в~ее связи с~наукой}, shorttitle = {История}, user = {Gaidenko, P.P., Istoriia Grecheskoi Filosofii v~Ee Sviazi s~Naukoi, Moskva: URSS: Knizhnyj dom «LIBROKOM».}, year = {2009}, location = {Москва}, publisher = {URSS: Книжный дом «ЛИБРОКОМ»}, __markedentry = {}, sortkey = {Gaidenko} } @INBOOK{Koyre:Aristotelizm, author = {Койре, А.}, title = {Аристотелизм и~платонизм в~средневековой философии}, shorttitle = {Аристотелизм}, user = {Koyre, A., Aristotelizm i~platonizm v~srednevekovoy filosofii, [в:] Койре,~А., Ocherki istorii filosofskoy mysli. 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В.}, volume = {3}, pages = {52--75}, __markedentry = {}, sortkey = {Romanenko} } @BOOK{Baird:ThePersonal, title = {The Personal Correspondence of Hildegard of Bingen}, shorttitle = {The Personal Correspondence}, year = {2006}, location = {New York, Oxford}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, editor = {Baird, J. L.}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Czekanski:SwHildegarda, title = {Św. Hildegarda z~Bingen. Przyrodolecznictwo}, shorttitle = {Św. Hildegarda}, year = {2003}, location = {Kraków}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo M}, editor = {Czekański, M.}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Czekanski:Ziola, title = {Zioła św.~Hildegardy: lecznicze właściwości ziół według opisu św. Hildegardy z~Bingen}, shorttitle = {Zioła}, year = {2000}, location = {Kraków}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo M}, editor = {Czekański, M.}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Matusiak:Hildegarda, title = {Hildegarda z~Bingen. Teologia muzyki}, shorttitle = {Hildegarda}, year = {2003}, location = {Kraków}, publisher = {Homini}, editor = {Matusiak, B.}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Piotrowski:Preaceptores, title = {Preaceptores. Teologia i~teologowie języka niemieckiego}, shorttitle = {Preaceptores}, year = {2005}, location = {Poznań}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo Poznańskie}, editor = {Piotrowski, E. and Więcławski, T.}, __markedentry = {} } @comment{jabref-meta: selector_keywords:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_journal:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_publisher:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_author:}