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R.}, location = {Poznań}, shorttitle = {Umysł}, translator = {Karłowski, J.}, } @InBook{VanInwagen:Freedom, pages = {409--418}, title = {Freedom of the will}, publisher = {Wadsworth, Cengage Learning}, year = {2013}, author = {Van Inwagen, P.}, editor = {Feinberg, J. and Shafer-Landau, R.}, edition = {15}, booktitle = {Reason and responsibility: Readings in some basic problems of philosophy}, location = {Boston}, shorttitle = {Freedom of the will}, } @Book{Wegner:TheIllusion, title = {The illusion of conscious will}, publisher = {MIT Press}, year = {2002}, author = {Wegner, D. M.}, location = {Cambridge, MA}, shorttitle = {The illusion of conscious will}, } @InBook{MerriamWebster:FreeWill, title = {Free will}, publisher = {Merriam-Webster, Incorporated}, booktitle = {Merriam-Webster online dictionary}, shorttitle = {Free will}, url = {http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/free+will}, urldate = {2017-01-14}, } @Comment{jabref-meta: databaseType:bibtex;}