Project Based Learning: Extending Social and Educational Reach

  • Stuart Dickinson Belfast Metropolitan College
Keywords: social learning, project based learning, motivation, collaboration, employability skills, technology enhanced learning


Project based learning approaches are being employed in the college as a creative and innovative means to engage and motivate learners through a transformative curriculum model for both further and higher education students. This article will examine how these pedagogical approaches have made a positive impact on our Childhood Studies’ students with regards to retention, achievement and success set within the context of widening participation and social engagement with and for those in society who are the hardest to reach including those children from the travelling community who have been integral partners in our Erasmus project. It will highlight the benefits of social learning, not only as a means of developing vocational skills for our students, but it will also examine the wider impacts of developing softer skills for our students, particularly with regards to employability skills, whilst considering the wider impacts this approach has had on society and building community cohesion.

Author Biography

Stuart Dickinson, Belfast Metropolitan College

Childhood Studies

Senior Lecturer



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Online Sources

Buck Institute for Education (2003). Project Based Learning Handbook: A Guide to Standards-Focused Project Based Learning for Middle and High School Teachers accessed on 20/07/18 accessed 5/07/18 accessed 07/07/18 accessed on 02/7/18 accessed 25/07/18 accessed 25/07/18 accessed 15/07/18 23 dec 2013 accessed 22/07/18

Further Education Means Success: The Northern Ireland Strategy For Further Education (2016) accessed 26/07/18 accessed 26/07/18

How to Cite
Dickinson, S. (2019). Project Based Learning: Extending Social and Educational Reach. Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education, 8(2 (16).