% This file was created with JabRef 2.9.2. % Encoding: UTF8 @ARTICLE{Berthold:WieUngleich, author = {Berthold, N. and Brunner, A.}, title = {Wie ungleich ist die Welt? Eine empirische Analyse}, shorttitle = {Wie ungleich ist die Welt?}, year = {2011}, journaltitle = {Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik}, number = {12(4)}, pages = {372--396} } @BOOK{DasZweite:Gaudium, title = {\textit{Gaudium et spes}: Pastorale Konstitution über die Kirche in der Welt von heute}, shorttitle = {\textit{Gaudium et spes}}, year = {1975}, location = {Rome} } @INBOOK{Eichinger:Strukturen, author = {Eichinger, W.}, title = {„Strukturen der Sünde“. Zur theologischen Argumentation von „Sollicitudo rei socialis“}, shorttitle = {„Strukturen der Sünde“}, year = {1988}, booktitle = {Die gesellschaftliche Verantwortung der Kirche. Zur Enzyklika Sollicitude rei socialis}, location = {Düsseldorf}, publisher = {Patmos}, editor = {Gabriel, K. and Klein, W. and Krämer, W.}, pages = {117--136} } @BOOK{JohannesPaul:Sollicitudo, author = {{Johannes Paul II}}, title = {Sollicitudo rei socialis}, shorttitle = {Sollicitudo rei socialis}, year = {1987}, location = {Rome} } @BOOK{JohannesXXIII:Pacem, author = {{Johannes XXIII}}, title = {Pacem in terris}, shorttitle = {Pacem in terris}, year = {1963}, location = {Rome} } @BOOK{UnitedStates:Pastoral, title = {Economic Justice for All: Pastoral Letter on Catholic Social Teaching and the U.S. Economy}, shorttitle = {Pastoral Letter on Catholic Social Teaching}, year = {1986}, location = {Washington}, url = {http://www.usccb.org/upload/economic_justice_for_all.pdf} }