% This file was created with JabRef 2.9.2. % Encoding: UTF8 @STRING{WydZnak = {Społeczny Instytut Wydawniczy Znak}} @BOOK{Coleman:TheFoundations, author = {Coleman, J. S.}, title = {The Foundations of Social Theory}, shorttitle = {The Foundations of Social Theory}, year = {1990}, location = {Cambridge (MA), London}, publisher = {Harvard University Press} } @INBOOK{Donati:Societa, author = {Donati, P. P.}, title = {Societa' civile}, shorttitle = {Societa' civile}, year = {2004}, booktitle = {Dizionario di Dottrina sociale della Chiesa. Scienze sociali e~Magistero}, location = {Milano}, publisher = {Vita e~Pensiero} } @BOOK{JanPawel:Sollicitudo, author = {{Jan Paweł II}}, title = {Sollicitudo rei socialis}, shorttitle = {Sollicitudo rei socialis}, year = {1987}, location = {Rome} } @BOOK{Locke:Dwa, author = {Locke, J.}, title = {Dwa traktaty o~rządzie}, shorttitle = {Dwa traktaty o~rządzie}, year = {1992}, location = {Warszawa}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN}, series = {Biblioteka Klasyków Filozofii}, translator = {Rau, Z.} } @INBOOK{Locke:Two, author = {Locke, J.}, title = {Two Treatises of Government (1690)}, shorttitle = {Two Treatises of Government}, year = {1823}, booktitle = {The Works of John Locke in Ten Volumes, Vol. 5}, location = {London}, publisher = {Thomas Tegg}, url = {http://www.efm.bris.ac.uk/het/locke/government.pdf} } @BOOK{Murawski:Panstwo, author = {Murawski, K.}, title = {Państwo i~społeczeństwo obywatelskie}, shorttitle = {Państwo i~społeczeństwo obywatelskie}, year = {1999}, location = {Kraków}, publisher = {WAM} } @ARTICLE{Nitecki:Biskupi, author = {Nitecki, P.}, title = {Biskupi na ziemiach polskich w~okresie niewoli narodowej (1772--1918)}, shorttitle = {Biskupi na ziemiach polskich}, year = {1987}, journaltitle = {Chrześcijanin w~Świecie}, number = {160--161}, pages = {111--196} } @BOOK{Possenti:Katolicka, author = {Possenti, V.}, title = {Katolicka nauka społeczna wobec dziedzictwa Oświecenia}, shorttitle = {Katolicka nauka społeczna}, year = {2000}, location = {Kraków}, publisher = {WAM}, translator = {Skuza, Ł. and Pyszka, S. and Żeleźnik, T.} } @INBOOK{Pyszka:ZurRolle, author = {Pyszka, S.}, title = {Zur Rolle der katholischen Kirche beim Wandel in Polen}, shorttitle = {Zur Rolle der katholischen Kirche}, year = {1991}, booktitle = {Soziales Denken in einer zerrissenen Welt. Anstösse der katholischen Soziallehre in Europa}, location = {Freiburg, Basel, Wien}, publisher = {Herder}, editor = {Müller, J. and Kerber, W.}, volume = {136}, pages = {118--131} } @ARTICLE{Pyszka:Rola, author = {Pyszka, S.}, title = {Rola Kościoła w~trakcie przemian w~Polsce}, shorttitle = {Rola Kościoła}, year = {1995}, journaltitle = {Problemy (Civitas Christiana)}, number = {II(3)}, pages = {3--28} } @BOOK{Sartori:Homo, author = {Sartori, G.}, title = {Homo videns. Telewizja i~postmyślenie}, shorttitle = {Homo videns}, year = {2007}, location = {Warszawa}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego}, translator = {Uszyński, J.} } @comment{jabref-meta: selector_keywords:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_journal:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_publisher:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_author:}