% This file was created with JabRef 2.9.2. % Encoding: UTF8 @STRING{WydZnak = {Społeczny Instytut Wydawniczy Znak}} @BOOK{Adorno:Negative, author = {Adorno, T. W.}, title = {Negative Dialectics}, shorttitle = {Negative Dialectics}, year = {1973}, location = {London}, publisher = {Routledge and Kegan Paul}, translator = {Ashton, E. B.} } @BOOK{Aristotle:TheArt, author = {Aristotle}, title = {The Art of Rhetoric}, shorttitle = {The Art of Rhetoric}, year = {1991}, location = {Harmondsworth}, publisher = {Penguin Books Ltd}, editor = {Lawson-Tancred, H.}, translator = {Lawson-Tancred, H.} } @BOOK{Cerezo:ThePossibility, author = {Cerezo, M.}, title = {The Possibility of Language. Internal Tensions in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus}, shorttitle = {The Possibility of Language}, year = {2005}, location = {Stanford}, publisher = {Center for the Study of Language and Information} } @BOOK{Hanna:Word, author = {Hanna, P. and Harrison, B.}, title = {Word and World. Practice and the Foundations of Language}, shorttitle = {Word and World}, year = {2004}, location = {Cambridge, UK}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press} } @BOOK{Heidegger:ThePrinciple, author = {Heidegger, M.}, title = {The Principle of Reason}, shorttitle = {The Principle of Reason}, year = {1991}, location = {Indianapolis}, publisher = {Indiana University Press}, translator = {Nelly, R.} } @BOOK{Heidegger:Being, author = {Heidegger, M.}, title = {Being and Time}, shorttitle = {Being and Time}, year = {1962}, location = {London}, publisher = {SCM Press}, translator = {Macquarrie, J. and Robinson, E.} } @INBOOK{Kripke:Naming, author = {Kripke, S.}, title = {Naming and Necessity}, shorttitle = {Naming and Necessity}, year = {1972}, booktitle = {Semantics of Natural Language}, location = {Dordrecht}, publisher = {D.~Reidel}, editor = {Davidson, D. and Harman, G.}, pages = {253--355, 763--769} } @INBOOK{Wright:Diachronic, author = {Von~Wright, G. H.}, title = {Diachronic and Synchronic Modality}, shorttitle = {Diachronic and Synchronic Modality}, year = {1984}, bookauthor = {Von~Wright, G. H.}, booktitle = {Truth, Knowledge, and Modality: Philosophical Papers}, location = {Oxford}, publisher = {Blackwell}, volume = {3} } @BOOK{Wittgenstein:Philosophical, author = {Wittgenstein, L.}, title = {Philosophical Investigations}, shorttitle = {Philosophical Investigations}, year = {1953}, location = {Oxford}, publisher = {Blackwell}, editor = {Anscombe, G. E. M. and Rhees, R.}, translator = {Anscombe, G. E. M.} } @BOOK{Wittgenstein:OnCertainty, author = {Wittgenstein, L.}, title = {On Certainty}, shorttitle = {On Certainty}, year = {1969}, location = {Oxford}, publisher = {Blackwell}, editor = {Anscombe, G. E. M. and Von~Wright, G. H.}, translator = {Paul, D. and Anscombe, G. E. M.} } @BOOK{Sytnik:Art, title = {Art of Philosophy. A Selection of Jerzy Perzanowski's Works}, shorttitle = {Art of Philosophy}, year = {2011}, location = {Frankfurt}, publisher = {Ontos Verlag}, editor = {Sytnik-Czetwertynsk, J.} } @comment{jabref-meta: selector_keywords:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_journal:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_publisher:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_author:}