% This file was created with JabRef 2.9.2. % Encoding: UTF8 @STRING{WydZnak = {Społeczny Instytut Wydawniczy Znak}} @BOOK{Behrens:Society, author = {Behrens, C. B. A.}, title = {Society, Government and the Enlightenment. The experiences of eighteenth --- century France and Prussia}, shorttitle = {Society}, user = {Behrens, Catherine Betty Abigail}, year = {1985}, location = {New York}, publisher = {Harper {and} Row}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Buckley:Ateizm, author = {Buckley, M. J.}, title = {Ateizm w~sporze z~religią}, shorttitle = {Ateizm}, year = {2009}, location = {Kraków}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo WAM}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {Frankiewicz, M.} } @BOOK{Copleston:Historia, author = {Copleston, F.}, title = {Historia filozofii}, shorttitle = {Historia}, year = {1996}, location = {Warszawa}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo PAX}, volume = {VI}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {Łoziński, J.} } @INBOOK{Delon:Rehabilitation, author = {Delon, M.}, title = {Réhabilitation des préjugés et crise des Lumières}, shorttitle = {Réhabilitation}, year = {1995}, booktitle = {La Crise des Lumières}, location = {Paris}, editor = {Rabault-Feuerhahnn, P. and Espagne, M.}, series = {Revue Germanique Internationale}, number = {3}, pages = {143--156}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Fabro:Introduzione, author = {Fabro, C.}, title = {Introduzione all'ateismo moderno}, shorttitle = {Introduzione}, year = {1964}, location = {Roma}, publisher = {Studium}, __markedentry = {} } @BOOK{Hazard:Kryzys, author = {Hazard, P.}, title = {Kryzys świadomości europejskiej 1680--1715}, shorttitle = {Kryzys}, user = {( przekł. J.~Lalewicz i~A.~Siemek)}, year = {1974}, location = {Warszawa}, publisher = {Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {Lalewicz, J. and Siemek, A.} } @BOOK{Hazard:Mysl, author = {Hazard, P.}, title = {Myśl europejska w~XVIII wieku od Monteskiusza do Lessinga}, shorttitle = {Myśl europejska}, user = {(przekł. H.~Suwała)}, year = {1972}, location = {Warszawa}, publisher = {Państwowy Instytut Naukowy}, __markedentry = {}, translator = {Suwała, H.} } @comment{jabref-meta: selector_keywords:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_journal:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_publisher:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_author:}