% This file was created with JabRef 2.9.2. % Encoding: UTF8 @ARTICLE{Adler:Appreciation, author = {Adler, M. G. and Fagley, N. S.}, title = {Appreciation: Individual differences in finding value and meaning as a~unique predictor of subjective well-being}, shorttitle = {Appreciation}, year = {2005}, journaltitle = {Journal of Personality}, number = {73(1)}, pages = {79--114} } @ARTICLE{Caprara:Positive, author = {Caprara, G. V.}, title = {Positive orientation: Turning potentials into optimal functioning}, shorttitle = {Positive orientation}, year = {2009}, journaltitle = {The European Health Psychologist \emph{(The Bulletin of the European Health Psychology Society)}}, number = {11}, pages = {46--48} } @ARTICLE{Cohen:OnGratitude, author = {Cohen, A. B.}, title = {On gratitude}, shorttitle = {On gratitude}, year = {2006}, journaltitle = {Social Justice Research}, number = {19(2)}, pages = {254--276} } @INBOOK{Emmons:AnIntroduction2004, author = {Emmons, R. 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