Ethical Standards

The Scientific Publishing House of the Ignatianum University in Krakow (WN AIK) and the Editorial Board of Forum Psychologicum are committed to upholding and updating universally accepted publishing standards and best practices, following the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Reviewers must declare any conflicts of interest. Authors, editors, and reviewers are expected to adhere strictly to principles of ethical publishing.

Authors are expected to be familiar with and adhere to ethical publishing practices, particularly regarding:

  • Authorship and co-authorship (e.g., avoiding ghost or honorary authorship),
  • Avoiding plagiarism,
  • Data integrity and accurate representation,
  • Addressing conflicts of interest, and
  • Compliance with research ethics guidelines.

Authors affirm that their submissions are original, a claim verified through anti-plagiarism systems, including

Authors should provide information about the sources of funding for the publication, including national grants, international grants, and support from foundations, associations, or commercial institutions, in a footnote.

In cases of suspected violations of ethical principles related to research or publication, the Editorial Board of Forum Psychologicum will initiate an investigation. If necessary, the Board reserves the right to contact the authors’ institutions, funding bodies, or regulatory agencies.

In instances of suspected misconduct, an investigation will be conducted in accordance with COPE guidelines. If evidence of misconduct is found, the Editorial Board will take appropriate action, which may include correcting the text or retracting the publication.

Anti-Plagiarism Procedures:

Procedures for Addressing Data Manipulation:

Procedures for Authorship and Co-Authorship Issues: