Digitization of the Cultural Heritage of the Polish Community in New Zealand

Keywords: New Zealand, archives, Polish Diaspora, digitalization, history


New Zealand is one of the world’s most developed countries. Despite the great distance from Poland, many Polish migrants have lived there since the 19th century. The purpose of this article is to present the current situation of the preservation of archival materials relating to the activities of Poles in New Zealand and the state of their digitization. The source material for this type of research is held by archives and state libraries in New Zealand. It is also available, in small amounts, as a digital resource of Polish organizations in New Zealand, discernible on their official websites. In Poland, several institutions also have digital versions of Polish New Zealand materials on their own websites. Through the research methods used, the level of digitization of Polonia materials was indicated. The basic thesis of the paper is the considerable dispersion of the cultural heritage of the Polish community in New Zealand, not only between state institutions in New Zealand and local Polish organizations, but also beyond the borders of New Zealand, including Poland. The main conclusion of the article is the creation of a single, central archive of the New Zealand Polish community in the Antipodes with experienced staff and the means to consistently preserve the traces of our presence in New Zealand.


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How to Cite
Zdziech, D. (2024). Digitization of the Cultural Heritage of the Polish Community in New Zealand. The Ignatianum Philosophical Yearbook, 30(1), 45-62. https://doi.org/10.35765/rfi.2024.3001.5