About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Editorial Statement:
Two issues of the Journal are published per year (January-June, July-December). The printed (“paper”) version is the original published in an edition of 150 copies. The digital version meets the tenets of the Public Knowledge Project - Open Science: [Open Journal Systems] - [CC-BY].

Thomson Reuters Arts & Humanities categories:
History & Philosophy of Science, Humanities, Multidisciplinary, Philosophy.

Philosophy, history, cultural and religious studies, theology

  • We publish articles within the field of broadly understood humanities, including: philosophy, cultural and religious studies, history, and theology, but also ones related to Polish and foreign literature (considered from a broader cultural perspective). The Ignatianum Philosophical Yearbook is open to a broad spectrum of issues taking into account the mission of our University as a Catholic research center. An important section of the journal relates to the religious and cultural heritage of Europe on top of its impact on other continents and civilizations.
  • All materials submitted for printing must be original works. While awaiting a decision regarding the publication of your text herein, you may not submit the same text to other journals.
  • Languages of publication: Polish, English and other conference languages.
  • The Journal publishes texts in accordance with the [Ignatianum Regulations].
  • The Journal applies reviewing principles in line with the guidelines of the Ministry of Education and Science [Polish authorities].
  • Materials submitted to the Editors are not returned to the Authors.
  • The Editorial Board accepts materials in digital form, sent primarily by e-mail. Creating an account in the OJS system is possible by prior arrangement with the Editors.
  • Each material has a Cover Sheet, containing information about the Authors, appendices, declarations, comments, etc. Only the Cover Sheet identifies the Authors.
  • All persons cooperating with the Journal (Authors, Reviewers, etc.) thus declare their academic integrity, excluding, among others, any conflict of interest, guaranteeing their respect of the rights of others, and documenting the sources of financing the works being published.
  • All those publishing in the Journal must have the ability to transfer their copyrights (these rights must not depend on others). After obtaining permission to print, the Authors transfer license rights specified in a written Agreement (Publication Agreement and Copyright Assignment) to the Publisher, free of charge, which allows the Publisher to print and distribute the works. Authors receive one copy of the Journal free of charge with their work, with no remuneration for publication.
  • Rejected or withdrawn works are free from copyright suspension, i.e., Authors are free to dispose of them freely. In the case an Author withdraws a work already accepted for publication or not rejected by Reviewers (e.g. sent back for corrections) may involve reimbursement of costs incurred by the Publisher.

The review process

Articles accepted (as a result of internal assessment) for review are sent to two External Reviewers. Reviews are Double-Blind Reviews: no Reviewer knows whose article they are reviewing (the Editors provide them with an article without the Cover Sheet containing Author names and notes, as well as possibly other identifying information), and no Author knows who reviewed their article.

Specific rules:

  1. Editors ask Professional Peer-Reviewers for permission to review a text for publication and when possible,
  2. they provide them with an anonymous text and relevant editorial information, asking a few questions to help them evaluate the content.
  3. By accepting a paper for review, a Reviewer undertakes to act in a scientifically sound manner and to uphold all rights belonging to the Authors of the papers he/she reviews. The Reviewers’ opinions are not conclusive for publication.
  4. The Editors provide the actual reviews to the Authors without the Reviewers’ names and without comments intended for the Editors.
  5. Based on the reviews, the Editors, in dialog with the Authors (and possibly Reviewers and Scientific Council), decide whether the text should be printed, corrected or withdrawn from the Journal. One negative review (also an internal one) is enough to refuse to publish the article.

Open Access Policy

The Journal operates on Open Access principles allowing free and global access to its content.

Scoring system