The Political, Economic and Cultural Role of the Grand Canal of China in the Context of Tomasz Szpot Dunin’s Historiae Sinarum Imperii

Keywords: Grand Canal, China, Jing-Hang, Jesuits, Tomasz Szpot Dunin


The aim of this article is to discuss the political, economic, and cultural role of the Chinese Grand Canal presented in the manuscript Historiae Sinarum Imperii by the Polish Jesuit Tomasz Szpot Dunin (1644–1713). He spent over two decades working in the Roman archives collecting information on the Jesuit activities in East Asia. Among this wealth of information, Tomasz Szpot Dunin’s manuscript also includes valuable descriptions of what is currently the world’s longest human-made waterway, namely the Chinese Grand Canal, which is considered by many scholars to be even greater engineering wonder than the Great Wall of China. To reconstruct this aspect, the author used mainly Historiae Sinarum Imperii manuscript, and other printed sources and relevant literature. The manuscript of Tomasz Szpot Dunin contains scattered information about the Grand Canal, the cities along its banks, and journeys along that extensive network of rivers and canals. This information can be divided into two categories: the secondary one, i.e., the information taken from earlier sources, such as Matteo Ricci’s text, and the primary one, i.e., the descriptions that Szpot was the first to acquire during his long years of work in Rome.


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How to Cite
Burkiewicz , Łukasz. (2023). The Political, Economic and Cultural Role of the Grand Canal of China in the Context of Tomasz Szpot Dunin’s Historiae Sinarum Imperii. The Ignatianum Philosophical Yearbook, 29(4), 39-58.