Cuius regio, eius religio

The Situation of Non-Catholics in Głogówek in the 17th Century Based on Documents of Count Georg III von Oppersdorff

Keywords: Evangelicals, Silesia, Counter-Reformation, Georg III von Oppersdorff, heretical books, Protestants, Głogówek


The main aim of this article is to present one of the most intriguing noble documents preserved in the collections of the State Archive in Opole. The task was challenging due to the sheer number and diverse themes of manuscripts issued by members of Silesian noble families. Estate owners used these writings to regulate many aspects of their subjects’ daily lives, including tax rates, land sales, dispute resolutions, wills, and even the legitimacy of births. They also ensured that the lands they governed were granted appropriate privileges and statutes. Beyond material concerns, they took great care with matters related to religious practice, particularly during the Counter-Reformation period. This article focuses on a document issued by Georg III von Oppersdorff, who played an active role in the re-Catholicization of Silesian lands. The manuscript in question is one of several archival records that provide insight into the situation of Evangelicals in 17th-century Silesia. To date, this document, along with others mentioned in the text, has not been studied in detail. A review of the existing literature on the history of the Counter-Reformation in Silesia and the city of Głogówek reveals a scarcity of published works and articles. Therefore, this article aims to offer both a survey of documents concerning the fate of Protestants in Silesia and an encouragement for further exploration of the State Archive in Opole by scholars interested in regional history and the legacy of Silesian noble families.

How to Cite
Leśniowska, M. (2024). Cuius regio, eius religio: The Situation of Non-Catholics in Głogówek in the 17th Century Based on Documents of Count Georg III von Oppersdorff. The Ignatianum Philosophical Yearbook, 30(4), 41-58.