Contacts of Polish queens with the sanctuary and the Pauline Monastery at Jasna Góra in Częstochowa


The subject of the article is the contacts of Polish queens with the sanctuary of Our Lady of Częstochowa at Jasna Góra Monastery. The considerations are based on the archival materials stored in the Archives at Jasna Góra and the literature on the subject. In the Jasna Góra archives, books were used, in which votive gifts donated by the faithful to the Jasna Góra sanctuary were entered. The analytical method was used in the work. Most of the Polish queens had contacts with the Jasna Góra sanctuary. Some of the queens made pilgrimages to the sanctuary in person, others offered devotional gifts and votes. The most frequent contacts with Jasna Góra were: Ludwika Maria, spouse of Władysław IV and Jan Kazimierz, Maria Kazimiera, spouse of Jan III Sobieski, Maria Eleonora, spouse of Michał Korybut Wiśniowiecki, and Maria Józefa, spouse of August III Wettin. The other queens had more modest contacts with Jasna Góra. All the rulers offered liturgical vestments, jewelery and financial donations. Ludwika Maria and Maria Józefa showed the greatest attention to the Jasna Góra sanctuary. However, the piety of the rulers resulted not only from their personal faith, but also from the norms and principles adopted in a given era in expressing religiosity.

How to Cite
Szpak, J. (2021). Contacts of Polish queens with the sanctuary and the Pauline Monastery at Jasna Góra in Częstochowa. The Ignatianum Philosophical Yearbook, 27(2), 141-160.