Art as a Language Enriching homo oecumenicus in Creating Unity in Diversity
The understanding of art in Christianity is not uniform. The churches approach this issue in different ways, explaining themselves by observing the second commandment of the Decalogue (Exodus 20:3-4). But what is important here is the approach to a given work of art, whether we look at it as an image of God, or rather as a window opened to transcendence. The encounter with art is based on three levels: the intention of the author, the intention of the work, and the intention of the recipient. In the richness of ecumenical diversity, art is like a symbol that has become a tool that enables access to God and to all reality that cannot be fully known by modern verbal language and human reason. Its main task is to lead the act of thinking of man through similarities to understand some things better and more fully than to recognize by the senses.
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