Normative Limits of Interference in Human Nature

Keywords: normality, normativity of human nature, dignity of the person, order of love, technocracy, transhumanism


The text, based on norms protecting human nature, first invokes normality, which has sensibly shaped and continues to shape customs and a culture that protects the natural environment for human development. This normality is associated with the order of love (ordo amoris) as developed by St. Thomas Aquinas, which opposes the so-called optimization of the world promoted by utilitarian thinkers. The article reinforces these findings of norms protecting human nature by referring to the substantial, fundamental potentialities and tendencies of human nature, interpreted in the context of the ontological dignity of every human being. From this perspective, the technocratic treatment of the human body by transhumanism turns out to be a replication of the destructive path of technocracy towards nature, except that the destruction of human nature can be more dangerous, as it concerns the destruction of man as a bodyspirit entity, i.e., the destruction of his normal, dynamic, and creative functioning and action, which no machines can replace, as they are only artificial tools at his disposal.


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How to Cite
Biesaga, T. (2024). Normative Limits of Interference in Human Nature. The Ignatianum Philosophical Yearbook, 30(2), 61-74.