Talking About God in the Digital Age

Keywords: God, digital era, artificial intelligence, transhumanism, truths of faith


Digitization and its associated new technologies have dynamically entered many areas of our lives—both public (administration, economy, military, communications, education, etc.) and private. A symptomatic indicator of this expansion is the increasingly widespread use of weak (narrow) artificial intelligence (Artificial Narrow Intelligence – ANI) and intense work on strong (general) artificial intelligence (Artificial General Intelligence – AGI), which remains a particular interest of transhumanism. According to transhumanists, AGI would be the first step toward creating an artificial superintelligence (Artificial Superintelligence – ASI) that would surpass human intellectual capabilities leading to the emergence of an “information singularity” (singularity) that could be attributed divine attributes. In this article, I discuss whether transhumanism is capable of eliminating God and replacing Him with some form of artificial intelligence (with its digital superconsciousness) and whether, in the digital age, Christian truths of faith risk becoming outdated. I advocate for the legitimate discussion of God and the truths of faith about creation, redemption, and salvation in a digital society. I believe that the culture of the digital era not only does not harm the life of faith but can stimulate a deeper understanding of its truths.


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How to Cite
Bremer, J. W. (2024). Talking About God in the Digital Age. The Ignatianum Philosophical Yearbook, 30(2), 105-128.