U progu nowej epoki

Wokół wyboru Augusta na pontifex maximus

Keywords: pontifex maximus, elections, imperial power, priesthood colleges, charismatic reign


The article outlines the circumstances surrounding the election of Octavian Augustus as head of the College of Pontifices (pontifex maximus). However, Augustus, consistently reaching for more powers (imperium proconsulare, tribunicia potestas, censoria potestas), did not decide to deprive Lepidus of his position as pontifex maximus. This raises the question of why Augustus tolerated such a situation for almost a quarter of a century, the reasons for not depriving his former political opponent of this important priestly dignity. At the time of his election as pontifex maximus, Augustus’s political position was unshakable; the scope of his power included the powers once held by consuls, censors, and plebeian tribunes. Was the reason for reaching for the authority of the college of pontiffs merely a matter of prestige? It rather seems that this choice was the last link in a certain chain of events, an expression of Augustus’ consistent policy aimed at building and then consolidating a charismatic reign.

How to Cite
Wyrwińska, K. (2024). U progu nowej epoki: Wokół wyboru Augusta na pontifex maximus. The Ignatianum Philosophical Yearbook, 30(3), 29-50. https://doi.org/10.35765/rfi.2024.3003.5