Information For Authors

  1. Please send finished texts to the e-mail address of the Editor, attaching a Word file (.doc or .docx). The article should not exceed the size of one publishing sheet (40 thousand characters including spaces).
    The article must include an Abstract in Polish and English (up to 2 thousand characters with spaces). The Abstract should include the following elements:
    a) the purpose of the article
    b) the characteristics of the source material and literature
    c) the characteristics of the research method
    d) the main thesis and conclusions.
    The text must be accompanied by Key words (5-7) in Polish and English.
  2. The Journal also publishes reports and reviews up to 10 thousand characters.
  3. Illustrations, tables, text fragments, etc.: the Authors should provide a written consent of the copyright owner. The Authors are obliged to specify the format of any illustrative material in advance before submitting the text to the Editors.
  4. The text should be formatted according to the general principles: Times New Roman 12; 1.5 line spacing; Margins of 2.5 cm; Footnotes.
    Footnotes: Times New Roman 10, single space.
  5. Footnotes according to the Chicago Manual of Style (cf. below).



First mention: John Alberth, The Black Death. The Great Mortality of 1348–1350. A Brief History with Documents (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005), 51–63.
Next mentions: Alberth, The Black Death, 72.

Chapter in a monograph:

First mention: Dionysios Stathakopoulos, “Crime and Punishment. The Plague in the Byzantine Empire, 541–749”, in Plague and the End of Atiquity. The Pandemic of 541–750, K. Lester Little, Ed. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007), 106.
Next mentions: Stathakopoulos, “Crime and Punishment”, 100.

Article in a journal:

First mention: Stefan Swieżawski, „Z antropologii filozoficznej XV wieku. (Problemy i trudności w jej studium)”, Studia Mediewistyczne 9 (1969): 238–242.
Next mentions: Swieżawski, „Z antropologii filozoficznej XV wieku”, 240.
Short citations (publications cited immediately above): ibidem, 242.

Collective works:

If the work has 3-5 authors, provide all the names and surnames when first quoting, and then only provide the name of the first author followed by et al. If the work has more than five authors, name and surname of the first one should be provided followed by et al.

Manuscript sources:

Author, title, date (if known), the name of the archive (for the first time the full name, then an abbreviation in parentheses), name of the file (first quoting the full name, then an abbreviation in parentheses), number of the document, number of the file, library card number.

Online sources:

Provide a full link to the source and add the date of access in brackets.


Texts should be provided with an alphabetical bibliography prepared in line with the above formulas, while keeping a complete record of names and surnames, also in collective works. Classic system of bibliography: manuscripts, printed sources, books and monographs, magazines, Internet sources.


More about the principles of the Chicago Manual of Style: