Subjective and situational conditions affecting personality development

  • Piotr K. Oleś Instytut Psychologii KUL
Keywords: personality, development, change, continuity


Personality development takes place through mutual interactions involving the person and their environment. It can be analyzed and described on three levels: basic dispositions (traits), characteristic adaptations (e.g. basic beliefs, desires or goals), and personal meanings (narrative identity). The phenomena and processes involved are different on each level. Analyses of this are concerned with what promotes and/or inhibits developmental changes of personality. This article introduces the notion of reasons for great life changes, as well as Zenomena Płużek’s conception of personality development.


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How to Cite
Oleś, P. K. (2016). Subjective and situational conditions affecting personality development. The Ignatianum Philosophical Yearbook, 22(1), 130-145.
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