The Knight and the Burgher – A Competitive or Complementary Ethos? The Case of Poland
The subject of this study considers the role played by the two models in transformation of Polish society: the knightly ethos and the bourgeois ethos. The main research question is whether these patterns are competitive with each other or complementary? Must the chivalric ethos disappear from social consciousness so that a bourgeois ethos can appear in its place, or are these value systems complementary? In the literature on the subject, as well as in common knowledge, one often encounters claims (more or less strongly articulated) that one can be either a romantic or a pragmatist, and that it is impossible to combine these two attitudes neither in the sphere of ideas nor in action. It is for this reason that the romantic approach derived from the chivalric ethos is now often analyzed within the framework of the so-called critical theory. In other words, it is deconstructed in order to make room for a paradigm that appeals to utilitarianism and constructivism. The thesis of this article is as follows: the romantic chivalric paradigm, despite many differences, is not opposed to the bourgeois paradigm. These approaches serve to realize the same values and virtues, but under different historical conditions and in dissimilar social and civilizational contexts. The text is based on the analysis of the two ethical models presented in sociological literature, in selected literary texts, and in biographies of selected historical figures. The conclusion presents findings of the undertaken analysis. In the author’s opinion, the two ethoses can play positive roles in Poland’s modernization and they are not completely mutually exclusive, as it is the case in some approaches analyzing social transformations that took place in Poland in the 19th and 20th centuries. This conclusion is also valid in the times of change that Poland is facing today.
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