Bohuslav Balbín (1621-1688) - Jesuit, scholar, writer, awakener of the Czech nation

Keywords: Bohemia, Jesuits, Historiography, Post-White Mountain Era, Czech National Revival


The aim of this article is to present the profile of a great Czech scholar of the post-White Mountain era—his life as well as his scientific and literary activities. Bohuslav Balbín is the most outstanding Czech humanist of the 17th century, whose works played a significant role both in his own era, as an inspiration for other creators, and in the following one. The Jesuit’s works, the most important of which were published only a hundred years after his death, were part of the Czech national revival movement, aimed at preserving the linguistic and cultural distinctiveness of the Czech people. Balbín’s creative output developed along two principal lines—religious and secular—both united by national ideals. His works were characterized by profound patriotism and Slavic awareness, with the primary goal of preserving the identity of the nation, its culture, and language, as well as emphasizing and solidifying the distinctiveness of the Kingdom of Bohemia in historical, geographical, and legal terms. He made significant contributions to the development of historiography, regional studies, literary studies, and bibliography. Although a devout Catholic, he did not reject the achievements of Czech Protestants. His most ambitious and, unfortunately, unfinished work is Miscellanea Historica Regni Bohemiae, which was intended to be a comprehensive summary of knowledge about the country and its people. His most famous work, however, is Dissertatio Apologetica pro Lingua Slavonica, Praecipue Bohemica.

How to Cite
Nieć, G. (2024). Bohuslav Balbín (1621-1688) - Jesuit, scholar, writer, awakener of the Czech nation. The Ignatianum Philosophical Yearbook, 30(4), 581-602.