The Travels of Nuncio Antonio Santa Croce During his Mission in the Republic of Poland (1627–1630)
A Contribution to the Research on the Mobility of Papal Diplomats
The aim of the article is to analyze the mobility of Antonio Santa Croce – titular archbishop of Seleucia and apostolic nuncio in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the years 1627–1630. The authors reconstructed the papal diplomat’s journey from Rome to Poland in 1627, his return trip to the Tiber in 1630, as well as his two trips to Poland – a monthlong trip to Prussia in 1627, undertaken in connection with the ongoing war for the mouth of the Vistula River, and Polish-Swedish negotiations conducted with the participation of Dutch mediators, and a two-month tour of Mazovia, which was in fact an escape from the plague that struck the Kingdom of Poland in the second half of 1629. The study is based on Santa Croce’s correspondence with the Secretariat of State of the Holy See, which was overseen by Cardinal-nephew, Franscesco Barberini. The correspondence is stored in the Archivio Apostolico Vaticano and in the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. A significant part of it was published in the Acta Nuntiaturae Polonae series (vol. XXIII, vol. 1–2). An interesting complementary source was the Diario di Roma (1608–1644) by Giacinto Gigli, in which the diarist immortalized Santa Croce’s entry into the Eternal City in the summer of 1630. In addition, the authors have made use of the literature, devoted to the travels of papal representatives, including the works of Fr. Henryk Damian Wojtyski, Teresa Chynczewska-Hennel, and Tadeusz Fitych. The authors have analyzed manuscripts for the mobility of the nuncio of Santa Croce, thus completing his itinerary. The article pays attention to the descriptions of the places he visited and the personas of the people with whom the papal representative met during his travels. It also outlines some themes that will be pursued in future research, which concern the organizational sphere of the nunciature while the papal representative was away from the court. The article can be a valuable addition to the study of travel in modern times, as well as a contribution to the issue of the mobility of diplomats during their missions.
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