Prof. Stanisław Ziemiański’s, S.J., Approach to Metaphysics

Keywords: being, metaphysics, science, Fr. Stanisław Ziemiański, cognition, Thomism


In the article, the author presents the achievements of Fr. Stanisław Ziemiański, S.J., in metaphysics. The opportunity for this research was his 90th birthday. From such a perspective, one can more fully appreciate the Jubilarian’s contribution to the mentioned field of philosophy. The article begins with a presentation of the historical context of the development of Fr. Ziemiański’s philosophical thought, where the fundamental role was played by Thomistic philosophy, which was focused in the Polish realities of the time on discussion with Marxism. This discussion concerned not only discovering the limitations and critique of Marxism. The representatives of Thomism proposed their original interpretation of reality, marked by greater realism and more convincing rationality. The next point is devoted to the conception of Fr. Ziemiański’s metaphysics, which refers to the Aristotelian-Thomistic tradition, enriched with elements taken from contemporary philosophical currents and natural sciences. The most characteristic features of this approach include basing on experience and orientation towards really existing beings, the abstractio totius method, cognitive realism and maximalism, as well as the cognition of the absolute being. In a further step the contribution of Fr. Ziemiański to the interpretation of crucial metaphysical issues is discussed, such as transcendentals, contingency, purposefulness and the structure of being. It is emphasized that he pointed out the existential nature of the transcendentals and their irreducibility to universal concepts. In addition, he presented the specificity of the relation linking a contingent being with a necessary being, as well as the justification of the existence of the final cause based on an analysis of the internal structure of being. His important contribution was also the elaboration of the problem of relations in terms of F. Suarez and the presentation of the functional aspects of the composition of being from essence and existence. In conclusion, the results are noted, focusing on the importance of metaphysics as the base field of philosophical research.


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How to Cite
Duma, T. (2022). Prof. Stanisław Ziemiański’s, S.J., Approach to Metaphysics. The Ignatianum Philosophical Yearbook, 28(2), 15-34.