The Diagnosis and Perspectives Concerning the Transformations of Western Civilisation
A Comparative Analysis in the Light of Selected Themes in the Thought of Chantal Delsol and the Eco-Philosophy of Henryk Skolimowski
The aim of this article is to attempt to capture the differences and similarities relating to Western civilisation that are contained in the thought of the French political philosopher Chantal Delsol and the ecophilosophy of Henryk Skolimowski. The Polish philosopher has built his own philosophical concept on the basis of a radical critique of Western civilisation as a remedy to the contemporary crisis. Chantal Delsol, on the other hand, is a researcher who very insightfully points out the weaknesses and deficiencies of Western civilisation. The first part of the text presents the arguments of both scholars. In the second and third parts, the author discusses similarities and differences between the ways in which the analysed thinkers perceive Western civilisation and postulate possible solutions to the current crisis, which – in the light of the texts of both scholars – is primarily spiritual in nature and derives from the lack of integral and empathetic approach. This text is thus an attempt to characterise some of the diagnoses and prognoses of the two aforementioned authors, which concern both the current situation and the future of Western Civilisation. In addition, the common points and differences between the approaches discussed are pointed out. The article uses the comparative and critical analysis methods.
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