The Public Activity of Mikołaj Zebrzydowski during the 1596 Anti-Turkish Holy League Negotiations in Cracow
The purpose of the article is to present the public activities of Mikołaj Zebrzydowski, the Grand Marshal of the Crown and the Captain of Cracow, during the international negotiations on the conclusion of the anti-Turkish Holy League initiated by the papacy in the summer of 1596 in Cracow. To reconstruct this aspect, the author used mainly manuscript source materials from the Roman archives, in addition to printed sources and relevant literature. Mikołaj Zebrzydowski came to Cracow on July 10, 1596, at the time when the papal legate, Cardinal Enrico Caetani, who was to preside over the negotiations, had already arrived in the town almost a month before. Zebrzydowski met with the cardinal many times, both officially and in private. The cardinal informed the Secretariat of State about these contacts, reporting that Zebrzydowski was one of those Polish dignitaries who openly supported the Holy See’s initiative. As it seems, however, Mikołaj Zebrzydowski, as a close associate of Chancellor Jan Zamoyski, realistically assessed these chances, seeing a threat to the papal policy in the Habsburgs’ hard and hostile stance toward Poland.
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