Biotechnology and Mythology

Is There a (Bio-)Ethical Dilemma?

Keywords: transhumanism, biotechnology, mythology, ideologisation, bionihilism, neognosticism, prometheism


Biotechnology and mythology. Is there a (bio-)ethical dilemma? Biotechnology has, in a sense, become a demiurgic art today. It appears as a testimony to an important transformation, which manifests itself in the fact that practices formerly considered merely magical have turned into specialised crafts. Using the contemporary example of the creation of genetic chimeras, we can say that biotechnology has begun to reduce formerly imaginative constructs describing a reality belonging even to the realm of the sacred to the level of reality. Therefore, do not the natural sciences today also play a certain servile role in the process of the new sacralisation of reality? Do not the people who create them aspire to be inhabitants of Olympus? What, then, will be the nature of the ethics of the “people-gods”? Is ethics really out of step with evolving technology, or should it rather never reach – if it retains the criterion of common sense – the ceiling of irrationality represented by contemporary ideologies imbued with neo-Gnostic thinking, such as transhumanism. Perhaps the problem lies not in the inadequacy of ethics, but rather in the over-ideologisation of modern science.


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How to Cite
Ziółkowski, M. (2024). Biotechnology and Mythology: Is There a (Bio-)Ethical Dilemma?. The Ignatianum Philosophical Yearbook, 30(2), 89-104.