The Educational Programs of Catholic Religion/Religious Education for Preschool Children in Slovakia

  • Beáta Akimjaková Catholic University in Ružomberok, Faculty of Education


This paper focuses on the educational programs of Religion/Religious Education within pre-primary education, in Slovakia, outlining the legislative view on the issue. It characterises the curriculum of Religion/Religious Education in pre-primary education and the Framework Educational Program of the subject of Catholic Religion/Religious Education for pre-primary education. It deals with the competencies of spiritual formation in a Catholic nursery school. In the conclusions, it provides its own recommendations and methodological ideas, applicable in the educational programs of Religious Education within nursery schools.

Author Biography

Beáta Akimjaková, Catholic University in Ružomberok, Faculty of Education
Docent at the Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok (Institute of Juraj Páleš in Levoča). She received her habilitation in the field of Special Didactics – the theory of teaching Religious Education. The scientific interest of the author is focused on Religious Education within education.
Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok
Institute of Juraj Páleš in Levoča
Bottova 15
054 01 Levoča


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How to Cite
Akimjaková, B. (2016). The Educational Programs of Catholic Religion/Religious Education for Preschool Children in Slovakia. Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education, 5(2 (10). Retrieved from