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Aims and Scope
The Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education was established in 2012 and is co-edited by the Ignatianum University in Krakow and the Abat Oliba CEU University in Barcelona. The majority of the articles are published in English and the second language of publication is Spanish. To ensure the highest quality of published articles, manuscripts accepted for publication are proofread by expert native speakers: Eric Hilton (English) and Andrea de Carlos Buján (Spanish).
The aim of the journal is to promote an integrated multidisciplinary approach to human development, upbringing and instruction, which is broadly conceived to include the education of children and young adults, as well as lifelong learning. The underlying objective is to facilitate epistemic reflection on education and a dialogue between various educational systems.
A strong focus is given to the study of education in various pedagogical, philosophical, psychological and sociological contexts, as well as to the study of education and culture, including visual and literary culture – past and present. Various approaches and methods of teaching are promoted, including the use of literature and narrative practices to foster character development.
The journal disseminates scholarly achievements related to education and practical teaching experiences to a wide audience of professionals, including educationalists, psychologists, philosophers of education, sociologists, policy-makers in educational administration, as well as literary and cultural studies scholars. The multidisciplinary dimension of the journal is oriented to produce an impact at individual and social levels.
The Type of Articles Published
The journal publishes original and innovative articles (of up to 35 000 characters) on various topics referring to education of both theoretical and empirical nature and scope. Particularly welcome are up-to-date overviews of the key developments in the field of education, which place specific practical findings within the context of a theoretic framework, as well as contributions from across disciplines, which combine educational studies – including philosophy of education, psychology of education and sociology of education – with studies in language, literature and culture.
Articles which are not original contributions and have been earlier published elsewhere are not considered for publication. All submissions should conform to the publication policy and ethics as well as formal requirements listed in the Author Guidelines section.
Two issues are published per year (June and December). Each issue has its main theme.
Our Peer-Review Policy
All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editors in Chief and the Deputy Editor and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is double-blind. Submission should be made online via
Information About Open Access (OA) Publishing Options
The primary mode of publication is on-line, with printed copies reserved for special purposes, following the requirements of Polish publishing rules and regulations. Online issues are available at
The Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education is supported by public funds:
List of Disciplines Assigned to the Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland:
philosophy, linguistics, literary studies, cultural and religious studies, art studies,
socio-economic geography and spatial management, social communication and media sciences, political and administration sciences, sociological sciences, pedagogy, psychology, theological sciences.
Archiving with CLOCKSS
To ensure the long-term survival of our digital content, we rely on a leading online archive provided by CLOCKSS.
Articles in the Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education are available
under a license Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0)
© 2020 Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education • Ignatianum University in Cracow
ISSN 2543-7585 • e-ISSN 2543-8409