Teacher Knowledge Application in a Child's Moral Development. The Selected Aspects

  • Maria F. Szymańska Academy of Humanities after A. Gieysztor’s name
Keywords: moral development, moral imagination, moral model, reflection, reflective skills, teacher knowledge, content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, curriculum knowledge


The article aimsat deepening teachers’ responsibility and raising their awareness while organizing and managing the educational process, covering the reflective skills whose quality is reflected in teachers’ moral approaches. Morality performs a significant role when it comes to conducting the educational process. That is why discussion of issues of teachers’ knowledge seems to be important. Specifying its components means that we can see teachers‘ influence on pupils’ moral development, particularly when teachers are regarded as moral models by young students. Being conscious of this fact obliges teachers to perform self-moral developmental work which is then transferred into the pedagogic and didactic fields. The components of teachers’ knowledge understood in a perspective of creative, effective, reflective and practical implementation become meaningful.

Author Biography

Maria F. Szymańska, Academy of Humanities after A. Gieysztor’s name

Maria F. Szymańska is an associate professor in pedagogy, a former English teacher, one of the founding teachers of the John Bosco Salesian Secondary School in Legionowo (nearby Warsaw); performed functions: Vice-Dean, Head of Elementary Education Unit, Coordinator of Environment Consultancy Board, a supportive member of Pedagogy Faculty Education Quality Committee Board at the A. Gieysztor Academy of Humanities, a member of the Academic Senate, a member of the Library Board, a secretary of Artes Liberas Journal at the A. Gieysztor Academy of Humanities, an initiator and founding member of Competition and Other Creative Initiatives Team, an organizer of foreign language competitions in literature for secondary school students; an initiator, one of the founding members, Vice-President, then, President of the Scientific Society Educare, a member of Intercultural Section and Program Board of Educare; a member of international organization BBCC; a member of Christian Pedagogy Team PAN at KUL; an organizer of many conferences, seminars, an author of many articles, reviews within pedagogy and axiology dealing with integrated and upbringing aspects; cooperated with John Paul II’s Institute in Warsaw, UKSW, NKJO UW, and other higher education institutions; cooperated with such institutions as: Mazovian Self-Government Centre for Teachers’ Development, County Supportive Team Units for Fighting Violence in Piastów; now – an Associate Professor at Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow. Interests: creative art in pedagogy, processes of students’ and teachers’ educational development, axiology, philosophy, Polish and English literature.

Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow

ul. Kopernika 26 31-501 Kraków


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How to Cite
Szymańska, M. F. (2014). Teacher Knowledge Application in a Child’s Moral Development. The Selected Aspects. Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education, 3(1 (5). Retrieved from https://czasopisma.ignatianum.edu.pl/jpe/article/view/1289