The article is aimed at showing the meaning of moral education in the processes of religious education. The authors pay attention to the meaning of moral values influencing man’s behaviour, attitudes to Self, other people, world, and God. Experience obtained in the relationship with Self, others and God has a significant role in the trajectory of educational processes, particularly the process of moral upbringing of a person. Attention paid to natural cognition and cognition rooted in God can help underlining the sense of religious education, also religious education of a child. Moral imagination producing moral images becomes the subject for analysis in terms of teacher’s responsibility concerning the selection of literature items, or ways of their analysis. Moral upbringing tightly connected with religious education elicits the meaning of work upon own character and catechesis as a tool enhancing its quality. The research question of this article can be posed: How does moral upbringing participate in the processes of religious education?
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