Musical Assertiveness Training (MAT) as a method supporting the development of intra- and interpersonal relation

  • Izabela Przybylska Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie. Wydział Pedagogiczny.
Keywords: Assertiveness, music therapy, dramatherapy, emotional competences, social competences, communication, educating future pedagogues, social learning, modelling, self-efficacy, self-presentation, self-esteem, interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intell


The paper introduces the topic of the Musical Assertiveness Training (MAT), developed in 2014, based on the application of music therapy and mixed arts therapies. The method is based on the latest worldwide achievements in the field of assertiveness training and adopts them for training based on the use of primarily music and art.

The MAT-programme is divided into the cycle of twelve music-therapeutic sessions and leads step by step to the basic skills of assertive behaviour. It is designed as a workshop and has been used so far in in the process of educating future pedagogues both as an educational and therapeutic method, supporting the development of emotional, communication and social competences.

The article describes the basic concepts of assertiveness and refers to the wider theory from which it originates and to which the innovative training refers such as: the cognitive theory of social learning by Bandura (modelling), the theory of multiple intelligences by H. Gardner and the concept of self-efficacy, self-presentation and self-esteem.

Author Biography

Izabela Przybylska, Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie. Wydział Pedagogiczny.

A graduate student at music schools in Kalisz, Master of German Philology at Wroclaw University, PhD studies in linguistics at the Bayerische Julius- Maximilians - Universität in Würzburg, Postgraduate Studies in Music Therapy at the Academy of Music in Krakow. Lecturer in German language, specialized language and art therapy in Ignatianum Jesuit University in Krakow. Music therapist in the Health Resort Salt Mine Wieliczka (2013). Since 2017 also PhD student in education in Ignatianum Jesuit University in Krakow.


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How to Cite
Przybylska, I. (2019). Musical Assertiveness Training (MAT) as a method supporting the development of intra- and interpersonal relation. Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education, 8(2 (16).