Gestalt Approach of Albert Höfer in Religion Classes during the First Four Years of Primary Education

  • Zuzana Chanasová Catholic University in Ružomberok, Slovak Republic
Keywords: Gestalt pedagogics, education of teachers, institutes of Gestalt pedagogics, principles


The subject of this contribution is research of the further education of teachers in Gestalt pedagogy in a European context in general; it also focuses on the teaching of religious education. The research results from the author’s study of the subject in Austria at the Institute of Integrative gestalt pedagogy and religious formation, under the leadership of its founder prof. Albert Höfer.

Author Biography

Zuzana Chanasová, Catholic University in Ružomberok, Slovak Republic
Paed Dr. Zuzana Chanasová, PhD. (1977) graduated from university in 1999 with a specialization of Teacher of vrst grade at primary school, at the Pedagogical faculty at the University of Matej Bell in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia. During 2003-2005 she studied for two years at the Academy for teachers of religious education in Graz, under the supervision of prof. Albert Hofer (Austria). She defended her dissertation thesis “The use of gestalt-pedagogy in teaching of religious education at vrst grade at primary schools” in 2006 at the Catholic University in Ruzomberok, Slovakia. During 2006–2008 she studied “Marriage and family life” at Institute of John Paul II. at The Pontivcal Lateran University, Rome, Italy. Today, she is developing her academic career at Department of preschool and elementary pedagogy at Pedagogical faculty of Catholic University in Ruzomberok. Areas of scientivc interest: Drama education, Innovative methods and forms focused on spiritual formation, Gestalt-pedagogy, Matrimoniology Catholic university in Ružomberok, Faculty of Education Department of elementary and preschool education Hrabovská cesta 1 Ružomberok 034 01 Slovakia


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How to Cite
Chanasová, Z. (2012). Gestalt Approach of Albert Höfer in Religion Classes during the First Four Years of Primary Education. Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education, 1(2 (2). Retrieved from