Psychological and Pedagogical Assistance to Children in Public Kindergartens and I–III Classes of Primary School in the Light of Polish Legal Regulations

  • Elżbieta Jaszczyszyn University of Białystok, Poland
  • Joanna Elżbieta Dąbrowska University of Białystok, Poland
Keywords: earning diuculties, psychological and pedagogical assistance, legal regulations of assistance to children


New legal regulations in Poland provide for the need of earlier diagnosis and intervention. The regulations refer to two diterent diagnoses, i.e. a teachers’ diagnosis and that of the specialist (clinical). The teachers’ diagnosis (of the kindergarten and school) results from the process of recognizing and assessing a child’s problems. While the specialist (clinical) diagnosis is carried out at the psychological and pedagogical clinic. Both forms complement each other. A preliminary assessment of the lack of readiness to attend school and the risk of specivc learning diuculties should be made as early as at the preschool stage within the teachers’ diagnosis. The discussed directive (RMEN-PPP) imposes an obligation on the kindergarten and the school and makes the institutions responsible for recognizing children’s diuculties and providing them with assistance. However, if the assistance is to be etective, the mentioned centres should cooperate with parents and specialists from the clinic.

Author Biographies

Elżbieta Jaszczyszyn, University of Białystok, Poland

Elżbieta Jaszczyszyn – a PhD in the field of pedagogy. She works at the University of Białystok, at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, at the Department of Preschool and Early Primary School Pedagogy. Her research interests include the widely understood quality of preschool education, particularly the idea of special concern and support for a child’s activity of a practical as well as mental character (speaking, listening, reading and writing, but also the ability of co-existing with people, fantasizing, taking decisions or humanitarianism). She is an author and coauthor of many publications about preschool education. She is a member of the editorial team of the teachers’ journal “Wychowanie w przedszkolu” and a member of the programme team of the Polish Committee of the World Organization of Preschool Education (Organisation Mondiale pour L’Education Prescolaire).

15–888 Białystok ul. Kard. St. Wyszyńskiego 4c m 12

mobile phone: +48 504 855 426

Joanna Elżbieta Dąbrowska, University of Białystok, Poland

Joanna Elżbieta Dąbrowska – a PhD in the veld of pedagogy and a lecturer at the Department of History of Education at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of the University of Białystok. Her research interests developed and shifted from contemporary problems of the care of the child and teachers training towards research into the historical roots of the problems in the Polish pedagogical thought. She is an active member of the Polish Society of Dyslexia, the History of Education Society and the Trans Humana Association. She is an author of numerous publications about the history of education and culture, and about the problems of learning diuculties. She is an organizer of workshops and training sessions for people interested in alternative methods of work with children of preschool and early primary school age.

15–888 Białystok ul. Kard. St. Wyszyńskiego 6b m 25

phone: 85-7444123


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How to Cite
Jaszczyszyn, E., & Dąbrowska, J. E. (2012). Psychological and Pedagogical Assistance to Children in Public Kindergartens and I–III Classes of Primary School in the Light of Polish Legal Regulations. Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education, 1(2 (2). Retrieved from