Current Problems of Arts Education and Training in Primary Education

  • Zuzana Sláviková University of Presov in Presov, Slovak Republic
Keywords: absence of the overall integration of knowledge of the world, scholastic attitude, purposeful manipulation, music art, creativity, complexities, wisdom, sense


In this paper we would like to highlight the current developments in the veld of arts pedagogy in the context of wider trends in the philosophical and psychological thinking, which points to the the most signivcant aims of arts education, but which in teaching practice has still not been suuciently accepted. At the same time, the paper aims to draw attention to a very etective and unique concept as proposed by the Slovak composer and pedagogue Juraj Hatrík. This musical-pedagogical method very etectively solves the identived problems of musical pedagogy, starting at the elementary level, where he addressed mainly conceptual and methodical questions. Allmost all projects and methodologies of that are proven and etective in practice.

Author Biography

Zuzana Sláviková, University of Presov in Presov, Slovak Republic
PaedDr. Zuzana Slavikova, PhD., researcher and a pedagogue in Preschool and elementary school education, the author of 3 monographs – Music teacher at the beginning of the 21st century, Integrative art pedagogy, Creativity and integration in the artistic education. Her research and publication activities focus on the psychological and educational aspects of the polyesthetical concept and integrative pedagogy in the context of a new philosophy of school.


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How to Cite
Sláviková, Z. (2012). Current Problems of Arts Education and Training in Primary Education. Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education, 1(2 (2). Retrieved from