Hearing and Hearing-Impaired Adolescents and the Use of the Internet: A Report From Research Conducted in Poland

Keywords: deafness, Internet, addiction, adolescent


The article presents the second attempt in Poland at examining the use of the Internet by 150 hearing and hearing-impaired adolescents. The empirical research concerned both groups’ “navigating” in the virtual world. A comparative analysis was carried out on the differentiation, dependencies, and correlations between a group of hearing respondents (girls and boys) and a group with hearing impairment in terms of their intrapersonal and interpersonal attitudes and attitudes towards the world. The intrapersonal sphere included self-image and self-esteem in a global aspect. It consisted of non-specific, general self-esteem, and partial self-esteem: the cognitive, intellectual, physical, characterological, and socio-moral spheres. Interpersonal attitudes were understood in the eyes of the respondent as an image of the rest of society and the relations between them. Thus, the sphere of “others towards me” appeared, based on the sense of support from the social environment, appreciation or indifference, threat from others, or a sense of security, among other things. In the area of “me towards others,” the dependencies concerned pro-social behavior, the general attitude towards other people, an altruistic attitude, egocentrism or sociability, a tendency to isolate oneself, aggression or a lack of aggressive behavior, problematic use of the Internet – an adaptation of IAT A. Young, which measures a subject’s sense of loneliness by De J. Gierveld – content sought on the Internet, the positive aspects of using the Internet, risks associated with it, and addiction.


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How to Cite
Michalczyk, A. (2021). Hearing and Hearing-Impaired Adolescents and the Use of the Internet: A Report From Research Conducted in Poland. Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education, 10(2 (20), 35-56. https://doi.org/10.35765/mjse.2021.1020.02