Distance Learning as a Means of Innovative Teaching for University Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Research objectives and problems: The aim of the study was to investigate students’ opinions on distance education. The following research questions were posed: 1: How effective was the communication between lecturers and students? 2: What problems did students encounter during remote education? 3: What were the advantages of remote education in the opinion of students? 4: How did students assess the overall quality of remote education?
Research methods: The study employed a questionnaire developed by the researchers to gather the views of students about distance education. The questionnaire was informed by a literature review examining student attitudes toward remote learning. Based on the research questions, the questionnaire items were revised and compiled into a comprehensive item pool.
A brief description of the context of the presented issue: Distance education requires a reorganization of the teaching and learning process, particularly concerning the roles of both teachers and students. The purpose of this article is to contribute to pedagogical knowledge by discussing innovative approaches adopted at the Pedagogy Department of the National Education Commission University in Krakow during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Research findings and their influence on the development of pedagogical science: The widespread adoption of distance learning was initially fueled by the urgent need for adaptation measures during the pandemic. However, the demand for new teaching models is also a response to rapid societal shifts, increasing digitalization, and evolving student expectations. The integration of modern educational methods at the university level is becoming not only a necessity, but also a challenge that requires updating curricula to meet current needs and technological advancements.
Conclusions and/or recommendations: The findings indicate that students are receptive to modern forms of education, in which digital competences play an important role. This study, conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic, is not exhaustive; it merely serves as a starting point for further reflection and analysis. It would be interesting to carry out a similar follow-up study to compare student opinions from different time periods.
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