The Role of New Technologies in Enhancing Primary School Students’ Language Skills
Research objective and problems: The utilization of modern technologies into various forms for primary English language teaching and learning has progressively become standard practice worldwide, largely because the new generation of students has grown up in a digital era. It is undeniably true that technology continues to play a significant role in contemporary society. In today’s globalized world the English language holds a dominant position influencing nearly every aspect of human life, including education, politics, trade, communication and science. Consequently, the importance of teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) in schools has increased around the world. For 21st century learners, new technologies are second nature, as children interact with them from early age. Therefore, teaching methods and techniques must be adapted to meet the actual needs of today’s learners.
Research methods: The study employed a quasi-experimental research design, which involves manipulating an independent variable, without randomly assigning participants to conditions or orders of conditions.
Structure of the article: The article begins with an introduction followed by a detailed description of the research methods and findings. It concludes with a discussion of key conclusions and research limitations.
Research findings and their influence on the development of pedagogical science: The study demonstrated incorporating various technological tools enhances the quality of instruction, fosters genuine interest in the subject matter, and encourages student creativity throughout the process of learning a second (foreign) language. Moreover, the use of technology noticeably reduces instances of classroom disruptions caused by students.
Conclusions and/or recommendations: The results clearly indicate that the introduction of new technologies in teaching and learning a new language is much more beneficial than the traditional teaching methods, as evidenced by statistical analysis.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Polok Krzysztof, Małgorzata Przybysz-Zaremba, Natalia Szweda

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