Spiritual education: Ignatian inspirations
Research objectives and problems: The holistic, integral approach to education requires the inclusion of the spiritual dimension in the educational process. While theoretical discussions in pedagogy often reference spirituality, it is typically absent or only marginally present in educational practice. The aim of this article is to highlight the necessity of incorporating spiritual education into the entire educational process for all participants. The analysis conducted here leads to the following questions: What potential does Ignatian pedagogy have in supporting the spiritual development of young people? What role does the teacher play in this process when utilizing such pedagogy?
Research methods: The methods used include document analysis (source texts and studies) across various scientific disciplines (e.g., psychology, theology, pedagogy), focusing on spirituality, spiritual education as a practice of supporting spiritual development, and Ignatian pedagogy.
Structure of the article: The article begins with an introduction to the concepts of spirituality and spiritual development based on existing literature. It then outlines the general principles of spiritual education through the lens of Ignatian pedagogy.
Research findings and their influence on the development of pedagogical science: Ignatian pedagogy, which grew out of the spirituality of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, can effectively stimulate the spiritual development of all participants of education. This pedagogy, based on the philosophy of cura personalis (care for the person in all dimensions), the practice of Ignatian spirituality-oriented education promotes the fulfilment of humanity in both individual and social aspects. It promotes the education of individuals who are free, creative, self-reflective, and committed to serving others.
Conclusions and/or recommendations: Spiritual education is crucial in nurturing a mature, independent, and thoughtful individual with a meaningful life anchored in axiological, social, and cultural commitments. This process requires cultivating attentiveness and reflectiveness from an early age, which can be instilled in students by well-prepared teachers. Therefore, teacher training programs should ensure that future educators develop these competencies.
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