Teacher in Scientific Research by Bishop Zygfryd Ignacy Kowalski (1910-1995)
Research aims and problems: The aim of this article is to present the pedeutological views of Bishop Zygfryd Ignacy Kowalski, who lived from 1910 to 1995. He studied pedagogy at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (UMK). Alongside his pastoral duties, he worked as a religion teacher in schools in Toruń, including at the Pedagogium, and later lectured in pedagogy and didactics at the Seminary for Priests in Pelplin. The main focus of this paper is Fr. Kowalski’s pedeutological thought. The article seeks to answer specific questions concerning: his pedagogical studies as a preparation for his pedagogical studies, his research on teachers in both published and unpublished works, and his research methods.
Research methods: This article employs historical research methods. In order to examine the issues outlined above, sources from the Archives of Nicolaus Copernicus University (AUMK), the Archives of the Diocese of Pelplin, as well as published texts on pedeutology, were analyzed.
Structure of the article: The article is organized around two main topics: 1. Fr. Kowalski’s pedagogical studies at UMK, which served as his foundation for scientific research. 2. His pedeutological views, which form the core of the discussion. These sections are dedicated to his academic curriculum and the essence of his pedeutological thought. The article is further structured with an introduction and concluding remarks that summarize the analysis of the sources used.
Research results and their influence on the development of pedagogical sciences: This article is a contribution to the advancement of research on the teaching profession in Poland. Using Fr. Kowalski’s writings as a case study, it shows methodological aspects of designing pedeutological research projects, analyzing results, and formulating theories based on those findings.
Conclusions and/or recommendations: The conclusions drawn from the source analysis refer to both pedagogical education and pedeutological theory. They underscore the significance of Fr. Kowalski’s research and its continuing relevance to the training of future teachers. A key contribution of his work was identifying the determinants of the teaching profession, with particular emphasis on its religious, moral, and social determinants. These aspects continue to be of relevance today.
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