Education Policy Strategies and Applications for Metaverse Environments in Teaching
Research Objectives and Problems: The focus of this research is the virtual learning environment, which is a priority in developing new learning strategies. The aim is to analyze the process to describe policies related to changes in learning environments. The research objectives include examining theoretical approaches to modeling virtual learning environments and highlighting the signs of change in virtual teaching/learning environments from various perspectives. The research focuses on how virtual teaching and learning environment modeling is contextualized within the evolving Lithuanian education policy. This study explores questions regarding the perception of changes in learning environments and the key trends shaping virtual learning within the framework of new education policies.
Research Methods: This study employs a combination of literature analysis and semi-structured focus group interviews to gather insights from teachers, education experts, and policymakers. The findings offer a deeper understanding of the virtual teaching and learning environment modeling process and its implications for educational policy and practice.
Structure of the Article: The paper is structured into five main sections: an introduction, a literature review, a methodology description, an analysis of the main findings, and a discussion and conclusions section. A list of references is provided at the end.
Research Findings and Their Impact on Educational Sciences: This research explores the modeling of virtual teaching and learning environments and its implementation within educational contexts. As schools navigate a rapidly evolving world, understanding and shaping virtual learning environments is crucial. The study aims to analyze the process of modeling virtual teaching and learning environments, particularly in terms of the inclusive and operationalizing context of open learning spaces, content elements, and learning styles. Through a reflexive approach, the paper investigates how modern schools are transitioning toward more organized teaching and learning services and identifies new directions in skill development, knowledge acquisition, learner networking, and value creation. The virtual teaching and learning environment is presented as a central vision for learner-centered education, promoting personalized learning, diverse learning styles, and trust-based learning cultures.
Conclusions and Recommendations: Lifelong learning emerged as a central theme across all concept maps. This cluster was not only deemed pivotal for the future of learning but also served as a unifying element for other clusters. According to experts, the anticipated shifts in learning strategies and approaches are closely tied to the notion that skills and competencies will increasingly be acquired through lifelong learning.
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