Exploring the Prevalence and Awareness of Dyscalculia Among Grade 10 Learners: A Case Study
Research Objectives and Problem(s): This study explores the prevalence and awareness of dyscalculia—a learning disability that impairs individuals’ ability to comprehend and engage with mathematical concepts—among Grade 10 learners in two secondary schools in Soshanguve, South Africa. The research aims to determine the prevalence of dyscalculia in this population and assess the level of awareness among Grade 10 mathematics teachers regarding the identification and support of dyscalculic learners.
Research Methods: Research design incorporates both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, including standardized tests, focus group interviews, and questionnaires.
Structure of the Article: The study is framed by the Integrated Cognitive-Socio-Inclusive Model, which combines elements from cognitive neuropsychology, socio-cultural theory, and inclusive education to provide a comprehensive understanding of dyscalculia.
Research findings and their Impact on the Development of Educational Sciences: The findings reveal a concerning prevalence of below-average mathematical skills among Grade 10 learners and highlight the need for targeted interventions. They also underscore the importance of raising teacher awareness to better identify and support learners with dyscalculia.
Conclusions and/or Recommendations: This study contributes valuable insights into dyscalculia in the South African educational context. It advocates for data-informed policy decisions and enhanced teacher training to create a more inclusive learning environment.
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