Interdisciplinary Cooperation for the Support of Families With School-Age Children
Research objective: The aim of this article is to demonstrate the role and importance of interdisciplinary cooperation in supporting families with school-age children.
The research problem and methods: Two research questions were posed in response to the research objective: What is the role of interdisciplinary cooperation for the support of families with school-age children? What are the benefits of interdisciplinary cooperation for the support of families with school-age children? The answers to those questions were obtained through the qualitative method, namely focus group interviews.
The process of argumentation: The research process is epistemic and comprises an analysis of the author’s research. It refers to the characteristics of the functioning of families with school-age children and the difficulties and challenges faced by those families. This presentation of the theoretical and research assumptions of interdisciplinary cooperation among family support institutions addresses the need to support families with school-age children.
Research results: The analysis of the research data revealed the significant role and benefits of interdisciplinary measures to support families with school-age children. The analysis and synthesis of the literature on the subject and of the author’s research focused on school education and the family support system.
Conclusions, innovations, and recommendations: The research presented herein aligns with the recommended development of social policy, including the development for the benefit of the family, for building readiness and openness in the family support services, and for undertaking interdisciplinary cooperation. Another important result of this analysis is recommendations for the effective development of an interdisciplinary model of action in education and family support.
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