The Role of a University Teacher in Activating the Socially Marginalized Group of Retired Prison Service Officers
Research objectives (aims) and problem(s): The purpose of the study is to examine the role of university teachers in the education and activation of individuals in middle and late adulthood who belong to a socially marginalized group.
Research methods: Data were collected during the educational project “Academy RetroC@fe,” implemented from 2020 to 2024 at Ignatianum University in Krakow. Qualitative research was conducted with a group of 38 retired Prison Service officers affiliated with the National Union of Prison Service Retirees (KZEIRSW). The participants, aged 46 to 82, were engaged in educational activities. Empirical data were gathered using narrative interviews, group interviews, and e-documents produced as part of the workshops.
Structure of the article: This study focuses on issues related to the role of university teachers in the educational activation of retired prison officers belonging to a socially marginalized group. The research considers the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, treated as a category of a “difficult situation.” The competencies of university teachers, which are key in working with adults, are described. Additionally, the study brings attention to innovative educational activities designed to support the development of adult learners in socially marginalized groups.
Research findings and their impact on the development of educational sciences: Learning in middle and late adulthood occurs without coercion. Activating and encouraging individuals to pursue educational efforts in later phases of life helps them adapt to a changing social world. It promotes positive aging patterns in which education enriches life experiences. The university teacher is instrumental in this process. Their competencies, along with their understanding and definition of their social role, greatly impact the educational path of individuals in middle and late adulthood.
Conclusions and/or recommendations: Educational activities for retired Prison Service officers broaden their horizons and equip them with key knowledge and skills that help them adapt to a dynamically evolving reality. By creating virtual learning spaces, university teachers, in effect, contribute to the individual development of retired prison officers and build their social capital—both by bridging and bonding social networks.
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