Problems of Reversed Roles in the Family - Necessary Knowledge of the Teacher and Measures to Help Parentalized Students
Research objectives (aims) and problem(s): The aim of this article is to examine the phenomenon of parentification, exploring its concept, characteristics, underlying causes, and both short-term and long-term consequences. Special attention is given to the imperative of spreading awareness of this phenomenon among educators. The research questions addressed include: What defines role reversal in families and what are its repercussions? How can teachers leverage specialized knowledge to implement support measures in schools?
Research methods: The article takes a theoretical and review-based approach, employing methods such as analysis of scientific literature and examination of existing data.
Structure of the article: The author delves into the phenomenon of parentification, beginning with an exploration of its definition and classification, while also considering the mechanisms that contribute to its occurrence. Additionally, she underscores its significance for the child’s present and future functioning, with both immediate and long-term consequences. Furthermore, the author emphasizes the necessity of diagnostic and supportive actions to be undertaken by teachers in response to this issue.
Research findings and their impact on the development of educational sciences: In this analysis, it was posited that parentification, defined as a reversal of roles within the family dynamic between parent and child, represents a complex and multifaceted process that is increasingly widespread in contemporary society. The ongoing societal shifts affecting modern families significantly contribute to the emergence of family role reversal. The article explores the current understanding of the phenomenon and highlights its practical implications for the role of teachers within the school environment.
Conclusions and/or recommendations: The article underscores the importance of enhancing teachers’ understanding of parentification and the challenges inherent in diagnosing this phenomenon. It suggests the utilization of specific projective methods for diagnosis, along with outlining potential forms of support and preventive measures that teachers can implement within the school setting.
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