Multidimensional Work Addiction in Upper Secondary School Teachers
Research Objectives and Problems: The aim of this research is to determine the level and structure of multidimensional work addiction among the surveyed secondary school teachers. The main research question is: What is the level and structure of multidimensional work addiction among the surveyed secondary school teachers?
Research Methods: The empirical material was collected using a diagnostic survey approach. The primary tool utilized was the Multidimensional Workaholism Questionnaire (WKOP), developed by Szpitalak (2012).
Structure of the Article: The article begins with an introduction to the research that describes the phenomenon of teachers’ work addiction and characterizes the teaching profession. The empirical section outlines the research program and methodology. This is followed by an analysis of the results, verification of the working hypotheses, and a summary.
Research Findings and Their Impact on Educational Sciences: The analysis of the research results confirmed the validity of the adopted research assumptions.
Conclusions and Recommendations: The results prove the high professional commitment of teachers, with diagnosed work addiction ranging from positive commitment and intrinsic motivation to potentially destructive effects on their health (cf. Golińska, 2008). It is essential to implement a transparent motivation system that ensures respect for teachers, supports their professional development, and provides them with a sense of agency and purpose.
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